SAT-X is a language for constrained optimization and decision problems over positive integers, that work with any SAT Competition standard SAT solver. Is based on Python, and is ase to learn and easy to use with all technologies associated to this language.
1- /~ (standalone and cloud [MPI] - Oscar Riveros)
2- /~ (The Kissat SAT Solver - Armin Biere)
3- /~ (MiniSat 2.2.0 with DRUP proof, CMake and StarExec Ready. - Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson)
4- /~ (A Powerful SAT Solver for Java - Oscar Riveros)
5- Any SAT Solver with the SAT Competition standars. (
pip install satx
import satx
satx.engine(bits=22, cnf_path='tmp.cnf')
p = satx.integer()
q = satx.integer()
r = satx.integer()
s = satx.integer()
satx.apply_single([p, q, r, s], lambda x: x > 0)
A = (p ** 2 + q ** 2 - r ** 2 - s ** 2) ** 2
B = (2 * (q * r + p * s)) ** 2
C = (2 * (p * r - q * s)) ** 2
D = (2 * (q * r - p * s)) ** 2
E = (p ** 2 - q ** 2 + r ** 2 - s ** 2) ** 2
F = (2 * (r * s + p * q)) ** 2
G = (2 * (q * s + p * r)) ** 2
H = (2 * (p * q - r * s)) ** 2
I = (p ** 2 - q ** 2 - r ** 2 + s ** 2) ** 2
assert E + I == B + C
# assert G + E == F + I # perfect magic
if satx.satisfy('slime'):
print(p, q, r, s)
print(80 * '-')
print([A, B, C])
print([D, E, F])
print([G, H, I])
print(80 * '-')
print(sum([A, B, C]))
print(sum([D, E, F]))
print(sum([G, H, I]))
print(80 * '-')
print(sum([A, D, G]))
print(sum([B, E, H]))
print(sum([C, F, I]))
print(80 * '-')
print(sum([A, E, I]))
print(sum([C, E, G]))
print('Infeasible ... bits={}'.format(satx.bits()))
38 21 16 5
[2572816, 1106704, 1012036]
[85264, 1522756, 3083536]
[2033476, 2062096, 595984]
[1604**2, 1052**2, 1006**2]
[292**2, 1234**2, 1756**2]
[1426**2, 1436**2, 772**2]
Note: Documentation is on development, for a general reference and examples see that is an old version of SAT-X but work with precompiled SLIME sat solver.
you are welcome to contribute to the proyect, with examples, documentation, courses, slides, improvements... etc.