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Reset Cursor Trial. A simple powershell script to reset Cursor editor's device identification system.

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This tool can help resolve issues related to account restrictions when switching between accounts or during trial periods.

Cursor Trial Reset Tool (PowerShell Version)

A Windows-focused PowerShell utility that manages
Cursor editor's device identification system by resetting stored device IDs.

How It Works

The script generates random device IDs, letting Cursor recognize your system as new. It backs up your original config file before any changes.

Key Features

  • 🔄 Automatic backup of original configuration
  • 📦 Works out of the box - requires only Windows PowerShell (pre-installed on all Windows systems)


You must log out and completely close Cursor before running the script.
If Cursor is running in the background, it may revert to the previous device ID, undoing the reset.


Open Windows Powershell and paste this one-line script into the terminal.

$sf="$env:APPDATA\Cursor\User\globalStorage\storage.json";if(Test-Path $sf){Copy-Item $sf "$sf.backup_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss')";$c=Get-Content -Raw $sf}else{$d=@{};New-Item -ItemType Directory (Split-Path $sf) -Force};function Get-RandHex{$b=New-Object byte[] 32;(New-Object Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider).GetBytes($b);-join($b|%{'{0:x2}' -f $_})};$c=$c -replace '(?<="telemetry.machineId":\s*")[^"]*(?=")', (Get-RandHex) -replace '(?<="telemetry.macMachineId":\s*")[^"]*(?=")', (Get-RandHex) -replace '(?<="telemetry.devDeviceId":\s*")[^"]*(?=")', (New-Guid).Guid;Set-Content -Path $sf -Value $c -NoNewline;$d=[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Matches($c,'"telemetry\.(machineId|macMachineId|devDeviceId)":\s*"([^"]*)"')|ForEach-Object{$_.Groups[2].Value}|Select-Object -First 3;Write-Host "`n✅ Cursor Trial Successfully Reset - New Device IDs Generated:`n";@{machineId=$d[0];macMachineId=$d[1];devDeviceId=$d[2]}|ConvertTo-Json

Or run the script: powershell -File .\script.ps1 (in terminal or powershell)

If you are unsure about the safety of the script,
you can generate the IDs on and replace the IDs manually.

Configuration Location

The Windows configuration file is located at:


(Typically resolves to C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Roaming\Cursor\User\globalStorage\storage.json)

Backups are created in the same directory with timestamps: storage.json.backup_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS

Important Notice

This tool is developed for research and educational purposes only. Please use responsibly. The developer assumes no liability for any issues that may arise from using this tool.




Reset Cursor Trial. A simple powershell script to reset Cursor editor's device identification system.




