MNIST trained in rust using the FANN library.
yay -S fann
# or
# sudo apt install libfann-dev libfann2
git clone /~
cd rust-fann-mnist
First you need to download the mnist dataset, for that run the following commands:
mkdir -p data
NAMES="train-images-idx3-ubyte train-labels-idx1-ubyte t10k-images-idx3-ubyte t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte"
for n in $NAMES; do
echo "Downloading $n..."
wget -qO-$n.gz | gunzip -c > data/$n
Next generate the train/test and validation files for FANN:
cargo run --bin preprocess --release
cargo run --bin train --release
Since FANN rely only on cpu computations, you can expect a training time of ~40 minutes on an octa core processor.
cargo run --bin test --release