This is the project for Square mobile interview
Xcode version 13.3.1
- Download the zip folder or clone the main branch from Git.
- All libraries from Cocoapods have already imported to the project. (Optional) You may run
pod update
to ensure all dependencies are up-to-date. - Open squareinterview.xcworkspace
- For build and run, click
- For testing, click
I broke the project into three sections: Basic functions, image caching and caching test. The first area I focused is architecture. I chose the VIP or VIPER approach, powered by Clean Swift. I focus on image caching and testing the most.
- I would like to propose my current architecture, VIPER, powered by Clean Swift. It is a test-driven architecture that you can write unit tests effectively. The only drawback is its time complexity. Since I have 4-5 hours for the project, I have it is worth to write a better architecture.
- Image caching is the most difficult feature in this project. I found a no-3rd-party solution from Stackoverflow, but it's not I expect. So at the end I move back to a library I familiar with, Kingfisher, a service for downloading and caching images.
- I spent most of the time on prooving the library did cache the image properly. I used the memory monitor on Debug Navigator and Network from Instrument. With some clear cache actions and comparison, the project finally passed the cache test.
- 3hrs: 6 Sep 10:30PM - 7 Sept 1:30AM : UI building, API integration, Unit test over API.
- 30mins: 7 Sept 4:30PM - 7 Sept 5:00PM : Image cache issues.
- 1hrs: 7 Sept 11:30PM - 8 Sept 12:30AM : Memory test for image on real device, Unit test for UI, Readme preparation.
The time is totally enough for building this app, even I'm using a complicated architecture(Clean Swift). If there are more details about deploying, I want to apply CI/CD into the project too. I like to use Xcode Cloud for App Store and Testflight, and Fastlane for Enterprise.
Caching issue is something that I'm not familiar with. In my past experience, I did get a chance to handle image caching with 3rd party library (Kingfisher). They claim the library already handle cache issue, but I don't really test out the truth. So after this project, I think I got more understandings on the image cachiing monitor.
- PromiseKit
- Kingfisher
- /Utils
- Clean Swift
Download and caching images by Kingfisher: /~
Load image URL on TableView: