CheshireCat Python SDK is a library to help the implementation of Cheshire Cat on a Python Project
To install CheshireCat Python SDK, run:
pip install cheshirecat-python-sdk
Initialization and usage:
from cheshirecat_python_sdk import CheshireCatClient, Configuration
configuration = Configuration(host="localhost", port=1865, auth_key="test", secure_connection=False)
cheshire_cat_client = CheshireCatClient(configuration)
Send a message to the websocket:
from cheshirecat_python_sdk import CheshireCatClient, Configuration, Message
configuration = Configuration(host="localhost", port=1865, auth_key="test", secure_connection=False)
cheshire_cat_client = CheshireCatClient(configuration)
notification_closure = lambda message: None # handle websocket notification, like chat token stream
# result is the result of the message
result = cheshire_cat_client.message.send_websocket_message(
Message("Hello world!", 'user', []), # message body
notification_closure # websocket notification closure handle
Load data to the rabbit hole:
import asyncio
from cheshirecat_python_sdk import CheshireCatClient, Configuration, Message
configuration = Configuration(host="localhost", port=1865, auth_key="test", secure_connection=False)
cheshire_cat_client = CheshireCatClient(configuration)
# file
file = "path/to/file"
result =, None, None))
# url
url = ""
result =, None, None))
Memory management utilities:
from cheshirecat_python_sdk import Collection, CheshireCatClient, Configuration, Message
configuration = Configuration(host="localhost", port=1865, auth_key="test", secure_connection=False)
cheshire_cat_client = CheshireCatClient(configuration)
cheshire_cat_client.memory.get_memory_collections() # get number of vectors in the working memory
cheshire_cat_client.memory.get_memory_recall("HELLO") # recall memories by text
url = ""
# delete memory points by metadata, like this example delete by source
cheshire_cat_client.memory.delete_memory_points_by_metadata(Collection.DECLARATIVE, {"source": url})