Change the behavior and appearance of running Windows applications from the command line.
Sometimes you want an application to run, but you don't want your users to be able to close it.
Simply run contort disable <app_name> --close
With contort you can toggle multiple window styles at once.
To prevent minimizing and maximizing, run contort disable <app_name> --minimize --maximize
Quite often key settings are located in an application's menu.
Lock the menu down by disabling it completely with contort disable <app_name> --menu
Maybe you want your GUI application to run in the background without your user's knowledge.
This is possible by running contort hide <app_name>
Clone the repo: git clone /~
Navigate into the cloned folder and run: go install
usage: contort [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
Modify the behavior and appearance of a window.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
disable [<flags>] <window>
Disable part of a window's GUI.
--close Disable a window's close button.
--maximize Disable a window's maximize button.
--menu Disable a window's menu bar. Once disabled, a window's menu bar
cannot be re-enabled.
--minimize Disable a window's minimize button.
--titlebar Disable a window's titlebar.
enable [<flags>] <window>
Enable part of a window's GUI.
--close Enable a window's close button.
--maximize Enable a window's maximize button.
--minimize Enable a window's minimize button.
--titlebar Enable a window's titlebar.
hide <window>
Hide a window.
List all window titles.
maximize <window>
Maximize a window.
minimize <window>
Minimize a window.
move --x=X --y=Y <window>
Move a window.
--x=X X position
--y=Y Y position
restore <window>
Restore a window to it's state before minimizing or maximizing.
show <window>
Show a window.