Custom language grammar tokenizer and theming/syntax highlighter with integrated editor written in Swift, designed for use in both macOS and iOS.
Based on the Textmate Grammar language and vscode's implementation. Contains a subset of the textmate grammar features with it's own extensions.
Goal: To create an flexible advanced text editor framework so that any app that needs to create an editor with non-trivial features, small or little, can add them easily.
Currently Editor is only available through the Swift Package Manager tooling and yet to have a major release. So add the following to your Package.swift
.package(url: "/~", .branch("master"))
Head over to EditorExample to see Editor used in a larger project example.
We recommend reading the full documentation to best understand how to create your best editor. However, here is a quick example of what you can use editor to do:
This is all possible with the following snippets of code.
First you will create a grammar. This is the definition of your language:
import EditorCore
let readMeExampleGrammar = Grammar(
scopeName: "source.example",
fileTypes: [],
patterns: [
MatchRule(name: "keyword.special.class", match: "\\bclass\\b"),
MatchRule(name: "keyword.special.let", match: "\\blet\\b"),
MatchRule(name: "keyword.special.var", match: "\\bvar\\b"),
name: "string.quoted.double",
begin: "\"",
end: "\"",
patterns: [
MatchRule(name: "source.example", match: #"\\\(.*\)"#, captures: [
Capture(patterns: [IncludeGrammarPattern(scopeName: "source.example")])
BeginEndRule(name: "comment.line.double-slash", begin: "//", end: "\\n", patterns: [IncludeRulePattern(include: "todo")]),
BeginEndRule(name: "comment.block", begin: "/\\*", end: "\\*/", patterns: [IncludeRulePattern(include: "todo")])
repository: Repository(patterns: [
"todo": MatchRule(name: "comment.keyword.todo", match: "TODO")
Next you will create a Theme. This is how the scopes of your tokens (text divided based on the grammar) are formatted:
import EditorCore
import EditorUI
let readMeExampleTheme = Theme(name: "basic", settings: [
ThemeSetting(scope: "comment", parentScopes: [], attributes: [
ColorThemeAttribute(color: .systemGreen)
ThemeSetting(scope: "keyword", parentScopes: [], attributes: [
ColorThemeAttribute(color: .systemBlue)
ThemeSetting(scope: "string", parentScopes: [], attributes: [
ColorThemeAttribute(color: .systemRed)
ThemeSetting(scope: "source", parentScopes: [], attributes: [
ColorThemeAttribute(color: .textColor),
FontThemeAttribute(font: .monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: 18)),
TailIndentThemeAttribute(value: -30)
ThemeSetting(scope: "comment.keyword", parentScopes: [], attributes: [
ColorThemeAttribute(color: .systemTeal)
Finally we will take our NSTextView
subclass EditorTextView
and give it to our Editor
with the grammar and theme.
import Cocoa
import EditorCore
import EditorUI
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet var textView: EditorTextView!
var editor: Editor!
var parser: Parser!
override func viewDidLoad() {
textView.insertionPointColor = .systemBlue
textView.replace(lineNumberGutter: LineNumberGutter(withTextView: textView))
parser = Parser(grammars: [readMeExampleGrammar])
editor = Editor(textView: textView, parser: parser, baseGrammar: readMeExampleGrammar, theme: exampleTheme)
We can also apply the same Grammar
and Theme
to an iOS version of the app, like so:
import UIKit
import EditorCore
import EditorUI
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var textView: EditorTextView!
var parser: Parser!
var editor: Editor!
override func viewDidLoad() {
textView = .create(frame: view.frame)
textView.text = bigText
textView.linkTextAttributes?.removeValue(forKey: .foregroundColor)
parser = Parser(grammars: [exampleGrammar, basicSwiftGrammar])
parser.shouldDebug = false
editor = Editor(textView: textView, parser: parser, baseGrammar: exampleGrammar, theme: exampleTheme)
However, Editor for iOS does contain the full breadth of features that are for macOS.
And voilà! With the appropriate settings in the interface builder this will produce the nice editor above.
Be sure to read the Documentation to understand what the above code is doing so that you can create your own editors!
Using any of the pre-defined ThemeAttribute
s defined in EditorUI or write your own by implementing the TokenThemeAttribute
or LineThemeAttribute
Customizable corner radius and style.
Token only:
Hidden attributes.
Hide certain tokens.
Make tokens clickable, and add a handler.
For example you can easily get all the tags in the document.
editor.subscribe(toToken: "tag")
This works for all MatchRule
tokens, even with captures in them. This makes getting all of the tokens of a certain type much easier when a MatchRule
has complex captures. For example, a Swift string with interpolation.
textView.replace(lineNumberGutter: LineNumberGutter(withTextView: textView))
textView.indentUsingSpaces = true
textView.tabWidth = 4
textView.autoIndent = true
textView.caretSize = 4
Contributions are welcomed and encouraged. Feel free to raise pull requests, raise issues for bugs or new features, write tests or contact me if you think you can help.
- Captures for
- Folding stop and start markers
- Parent scopes for
s - Refactor
matching into theprotocol
- Clickable/tappable tokens with handlers
- Token replacements, take a token and replace the text.
- State-conditional formatting: based on the position of the cursor
- Use temporary attributes instead of the EditorTextStorage where possible for better performance.
- Subscribe to tokens, changes
- Auto-completion and suggestions
- Smarter auto-indent, based on scope to determine depth of indent.
EditorTextStorage: NSTextStorage
- Re-write in ObjC because the bridging is expensive and can be up to 3 times faster. See:
- Pre-compute the ranges of lines, so splitting the entire text into lines on every edit is not necessary
- Limit the use of fixAttributes(). Currently it is being used on the entire range of the re-formatted text, which could mean characters such as emojis that may only be typed once could end up being reformatted over and over again when an edit causes that line to be reformatted.
- Improve the theme attribute computation and it's storage in the
. - Use temporary attributes instead of the EditorTextStorage where possible.
To best understand how textmate grammars work and the parsers are implemented, look over the following:
- Textmate language grammars
- Textmate scope selectors
- Writing a textmate grammar
- VSCode implementation
- VSCode syntax highlighting optimizations
- Iro syntax highligher
- Sublime text syntax highlighter - very high performance
- Editor Documentation! 😜
TextKit and in particular, subclassing the various TextKit models can be difficult and confusing at times, here are some good links to look over if you're trying to digest something in the codebase or why certain behaviour is the way it is.
- Performing syntax highlighting - In particular the comment section!
- Implementing code completion
Available under the MIT License