Reconnaissance tool using shodan API automating shodan information gathering process to find juicy stuff during bug hunting.
- shodan
- argparse
$ git clone /~
$ cd Showldan
$ python3
To use this tool, you'll have to get your api key at and put it in your variable environment under the name "SHODAN". Then, you can use the tool as follow:
#Search by domain name
python3 -t <target domain> [-s] [-p] [-i] [-d]
#Search by organization name
python3 -O -t <organization name> [-s] [-p] [-i] [-d]
#Search by domain name or organization name without prefix tag like "hostname:", "ssl:" or "org:"
python3 -n -t <target> [-s] [-p] [-i] [-d]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --target Target domain/organization
-O, --organization Search by organization name
-n, --no-prefixtag Search without prefix tag before target
-s, --exposed-services Search for exposed services
-p, --default-pass Search for default credentials
-i, --info-disclosure Search for information disclosure
-d, --domain-takeover Search for domain takeover
-l, --limit Limit of responses fetched