This repository help to you have a connection pool of your dotnet application NATS connections.
1- Install NATSConnectionPool nuget package.
2- In your startup class config method add bellow section
services.AddNatsConnectionPool(3, () =>
var opt = ConnectionFactory.GetDefaultOptions();
opt.AllowReconnect = true;
opt.MaxReconnect = 10;
opt.ReconnectWait = 20;
opt.User = user;
opt.Password = pass;
opt.Servers = servers;
opt.AsyncErrorEventHandler += (sender, args) =>
var strBuilder = new StringBuilder("Error: ");
strBuilder.AppendLine(" Server: " + args.Conn.ConnectedUrl);
strBuilder.AppendLine(" Message: " + args.Error);
strBuilder.AppendLine(" Subject: " + args.Subscription.Subject);
strBuilder.AppendLine(" Queue: " + args.Subscription.Queue);
opt.ServerDiscoveredEventHandler += (sender, args) =>
var strBuilder = new StringBuilder("A new server has joined the cluster:");
strBuilder.AppendLine(" " + string.Join(", ", args.Conn.DiscoveredServers));
opt.ClosedEventHandler += (sender, args) =>
var strBuilder = new StringBuilder("Connection Closed: ");
strBuilder.AppendLine(" Server: " + args.Conn.ConnectedUrl);
opt.DisconnectedEventHandler += (sender, args) =>
var strBuilder = new StringBuilder("Connection Disconnected: ");
strBuilder.AppendLine(" Server: " + args.Conn.ConnectedUrl);
return opt;
3- Inject connection pool in your classes
public class FooBusiness()
private readonly INatsConnectionPool _pool;
public NatsListener(INatsConnectionPool pool)
_pool = pool;
public void FooMethod()
using(var connection = _pool.Acquire())
your code is here
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