CVSS library for Javascript
Actually it is made using Typescript and then compiled to Javascript.
Only CVSS 2 is supported at this moment.
var c = CVSS2.parseMetricsString('AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C');
var s = c.baseScore();
var btc = c.fillParse('E:U/RL:OF/RC:UC'); // best temporal parameters
var bts = c.temporalScore(); // get the best temporal score
var Au = c.Au; // getting one of the CVSS parameters value (not the string)
CVSS 2 class reflection
These are isolated examples, they don't have meaning... other than to serve as examples.
// Getting the names of all temporal parameters
var tPars = CVSS2.getAllParamInfos()
.filter(x => == "Temporal")
.map(x =>;
// Getting the possible values for each temporal parameter
var tPVals = CVSS2.getAllParamInfos()
.filter(x => == "Temporal")
.map(x => => v.stringValue));
MIT - do whatever you wish, don't blame me... but I'll be glad to help if you have any trouble =D