CSLA model templates to quickly setup new models, data access and contracts for .NET Core 3.1 applications. Provide data access templates for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite and SQL Server databases.
The simple models implement the use cases of a one-level entity. Root entity: Team.
The simple list template implements a read-only business collection.
Component | Description |
SimpleTeamList | read-only root collection |
SimpleTeamListItem | read-only child object |
- GET /api/simple --- Gets a list of teams.
The simple view template implements a read-only business object.
Component | Description |
SimpleTeamView | read-only root object |
- GET /api/simple/view --- Gets the specified team details to display.*
The simple template implements an editable business object.
Component | Description |
SimpleTeam | read-only editable object |
- GET /api/simple/new --- Gets e new team to edit.
- POST /api/simple --- Creates a new team.
- GET /api/simple/read --- Gets the specified team to edit.
- PUT /api/simple --- Updates the specified team.
- DELETE /api/simple --- Deletes the specified team.
The simple set template implements an editable business collection.
Component | Description |
SimpleTeamSet | editable root collection |
SimpleTeamSetItem | editable child object |
- GET /api/simple/set --- Gets the specified team set to edit.
- PUT /api/simple/set --- Updates the specified team set.
The simple command template implements a command object.
Component | Description |
RenameTeam | command object |
- PATCH /api/simple --- Renames the specified team.
The following templates provides variations of the simple list.
The sorted list template implements a read-only business collection with sort options in the criteria.
Component | Description |
SortedTeamList | read-only root collection |
SortedTeamListItem | read-only child object |
- GET /api/pagination/sorted --- Gets the specified teams sorted.*
The paginated list template implements a read-only business collection with pagination options in the criteria. The Data property of the root object contains a page of the list, while the TotalCount property returns the count of all items that match the criteria.
Component | Description |
PaginatedTeamList | read-only root object |
PaginatedTeamListItems | read-only child collection |
PaginatedTeamListItem | read-only child object |
- GET /api/pagination/paginated --- Gets the specified page of teams.*
The paginated & sorted list template implements a read-only business collection with pagination and sort options in the criteria. The Data property of the root object contains a page of the list, while the TotalCount property returns the count of all items that match the criteria.
Component | Description |
PaginatedSortedTeamList | read-only root object |
PaginatedSortedTeamListItems | read-only child collection |
PaginatedSortedTeamListItem | read-only child object |
- GET /api/pagination/paginated-sorted --- Gets the specified page of sorted teams.*
The selection templates provides more simplified versions of the simple list that can be used e.g. in drop-down lists. The items of the selection list have properties for a value and a description only.
The template implements the selection list with a value property named Key whose data type is number.
Component | Description |
TeamKeyChoice | read-only root collection |
KeyNameOption | read-only child object |
- GET /api/selection/with-key --- Gets the key-name choice of the teams.
The template implements the selection list with a value property name Id whose data type is string.
Component | Description |
TeamIdChoice | read-only root collection |
IdNameOption | read-only child object |
- GET /api/selection/with-id --- Gets the id-name choice of the teams.
The template implements the selection list with a value property name Code whose data type is string.
Component | Description |
TeamCodeChoice | read-only root collection |
CodeNameOption | read-only child object |
- GET /api/selection/with-code --- Gets the code-name choice of the teams.
The complex models implement the use cases of a multi-level entity. Root entity: Team, child entity: Player.
The complex list template implements a read-only business collection where all collection elements have a read-only child collection.
Component | Description |
TeamList | read-only root collection |
TeamListItem | read-only child object |
PlayerListItems | read-only child collection |
PlayerListItem | read-only child object |
- GET /api/complex --- Gets a list of teams.
The complex view template implements a read-only business object with a read-only child collection.
Component | Description |
TeamView | read-only root object |
PlayerViews | read-only child collection |
PlayerView | read-only child object |
- GET /api/complex/view --- Gets the specified team details to display.
The complex template implements an editable business object with an editable child collection.
Component | Description |
Team | editable root object |
Players | editable child collection |
Player | editable child object |
- GET /api/complex/new --- Gets e new team to edit.
- POST /api/complex --- Creates a new team.
- GET /api/complex/read --- Gets the specified team to edit.
- PUT /api/complex --- Updates the specified team.
- DELETE /api/complex --- Deletes the specified team.
The complex set template implements an editable business collection where all collection elements have an editable child collection.
Component | Description |
TeamSet | editable root collection |
TeamSetItem | editable child object |
TeamSetPlayers | editable child collection |
TeamSetPlayer | editable child object |
- GET /api/complex/set --- Gets the specified team set to edit.
- PUT /api/complex/set --- Updates the specified team set.
The complex command template implements a command object with a resulting read-only child collection.
Component | Description |
CountTeams | command object |
CountTeamsList | read-only child collection |
CountTeamsListItem | read-only child object |
- PATCH /api/complex --- Counts the teams grouped by the number of their items.
The tree templates implements a special version of the complex list where all child objects are the same as the root object.
Component | Description |
FolderTree | read-only root object |
FolderNodeList | read-only child collection |
FolderNode | read-only child object |
- GET /api/tree --- Gets the specified folder tree.
The template implements the tree selection list with a value property name Id whose data type is string.
Component | Description |
RootFolderChoice | read-only root collection |
IdNameOption | read-only child object |
- GET /api/tree/choice --- Gets the id-name choice of the root folders.
The junction models implement the use cases of two entities having a junction or bridging entity. Root entities: Group and Person, junction entity: GroupPersons.
The junction view template implements a read-only business object with a read-only member collection.
Component | Description |
GroupView | read-only root object |
GroupPersonViews | read-only child collection |
GroupPersonView | read-only child object |
- GET /api/junction/view --- Gets the specified group details to display.*
The junction template implements an editable business object with an editable member collection.
Component | Description |
Group | editable root object |
GroupPersons | editable child collection |
GroupPerson | editable child object |
- GET /api/junction/new --- Gets a new group to edit.
- POST /api/junction --- Creates a new group.
- GET /api/junction/view --- Gets the specified group details to display.
- PUT /api/junction --- Updates the specified group.
- DELETE /api/junction --- Deletes the specified group.