A Flutter plugin for handling Connectivity
and REAL Connection
state in the mobile, web and desktop platforms. Supports iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Linux and macOS.
In order to use this plugin, add dependency in the pubspec.yaml
cross_connectivity: any
url: /~https://github.com/marchdev-tk/cross_connectivity
Add an import to dart file:
import 'package:cross_connectivity/cross_connectivity.dart';
Web sample:
Desktop sample:
Mobile sample:
This plugin provides two streams:
that shows whether the device isREALLY
connected to the network or not.onConnectivityChanged
that it will not let you know about state of theREAL
network connection. It only shows connectivity state.
Also for one time
check could be used following methods:
that is working likeisConnected
, but returnsFuture<bool>
instread ofStream<bool>
that is working likeonConnectivityChanged
, but returnsFuture<ConnectivityStatus>
instread ofStream<ConnectivityStatus>
There are no more methods (they are working only on Android/iOS/macOS):
- Obtains the wifi name (SSID) of the connected network.getWifiBSSID()
- Obtains the wifi BSSID of the connected network.getWifiIP()
- Obtains the IP address of the connected wifi network.
They are removed to wifi_info_flutter.
If you don't use any of the above APIs, your code should work as is. In addition, you can also remove NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription
and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
in ios/Runner/Info.plist
If you use any of the above APIs, you can find the same APIs in the wifi_info_flutter plugin.
For example, to migrate getWifiName
, use the new plugin:
final WifiInfo _wifiInfo = WifiInfo();
final String wifiName = await _wifiInfo.getWifiName();
As an alteration to funcitonal approach could be used ConnectivityBuilder
widget as follows:
builder: (context, isConnected, status) => Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: <Widget>[
isConnected == true
? Icons.signal_wifi_4_bar
: Icons.signal_wifi_off,
color: isConnected == true ? Colors.green : Colors.red,
const SizedBox(width: 8),
style: TextStyle(
color: status != ConnectivityStatus.none
? Colors.green
: Colors.red,
Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.