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Hardhat made awesome with a flexible CLI to help run tests, deploy and more.
With NPM
npm install hardhat-awesome-cli
Or with Yarn
yarn add hardhat-awesome-cli
Inside inside hardhat.config.js
or inside hardhat.config.ts (Typescript)
import 'hardhat-awesome-cli'
Clone this repository and create a symlink
git clone /~https://github.com/marc-aurele-besner/hardhat-awesome-cli
cd hardhat-awesome-cli
npm install
npm run build
npm link
in the hardhat project, you want to use this plugin
npm link hardhat-awesome-cli
Run tests (Allow you you to run tests on all files or specific files in test/)
Run scripts (Allow you you to run scripts on specific files in scripts/)
Select scripts and tests to run (Allow you to select a script to execute and all or one test to perform afterward)
Flatten all your contract or a specific contract (offer to rename SPDX-License-Identifier -> SPDX-License-Flatten-Identifier to avoid multiple license identifier issue)
Run Forge test on all or single test contracts if forge setting is detected
Run coverage tests (Available only if solidity-coverage is installed and available as a task)
Setup chains, RPC and accounts
- Add/Remove chains from the chain selection
- Set RPC Url, private key or mnemonic for all or one chain
- Add a custom chain to the current chain selection (currently these custom chains are not getting injected into hardhat networks)
- See all config for activated chain
More settings
Exclude test file from the tests selection list
Exclude script file from the scripts selection list
Exclude script or contract file from the contract selection list
Install/Uninstall other Hardhat plugins
Create Github test workflows (for NPM and/or Yarn and for Hardhat test&coverage and/or Foundry test)
Create Foundry settings, remapping and test utilities
More details on Foundry
[Foundry Documentation](https://book.getfoundry.sh/index.html)Run forge test
forge test
Create Mock contracts + (Deployment scripts, tests scripts and Foundry(Forge) test contracts (Missing test for MockProxyAdmin and MockTransparentUpgradeableProxy))
- MockERC20
- MockERC721
- MockERC1155
- MockERC20Upgradeable
- MockERC721Upgradeable
- MockERC1155Upgradeable
- MockProxyAdmin
- MockTransparentUpgradeableProxy
Get account balance
- Hardhat local (default local network)
- Ethereum - Mainnet (chainId: 1)
- Ethereum - Ropstein (chainId 3)
- Ethereum - Rinkeby (chainId 4)
- Ethereum - Goerli (chainId 5)
- Ethereum - Kovan (chainId 42)
- Polygon - Mainnet (chainId 137)
- Polygon - Mumbai (chainId 80001)
- Binance Smart Chain - Mainnet (chainId 56)
- Binance Smart Chain - Testnet (chainId 97)
- Optimism - Mainnet (chainId 10)
- Optimism - Testnet Kovan (chainId 69)
- Avalanche - Mainnet (chainId 43114)
In 'More settings' you can also add a custom chain, create an issue or pull request to add other chains.
- --add-activated-chain Add chains from the chain selection (default: "")
- --add-foundry Create Foundry settings, remapping and test utilities (default: "")
- --add-github-test-workflow Create Github test workflows (default: "")
- --add-hardhat-plugin Add other Hardhat plugins (default: "")
- --exclude-contract-file Exclude contract file from the contract selection list (default: "")
- --exclude-script-file Exclude script file from the scripts selection list (default: "")
- --exclude-test-file Exclude test file from the tests selection list (default: "")
- --get-account-balance Get account balance (default: "")
- --remove-activated-chain Remove chains from the chain selection (default: "")
- --remove-hardhat-plugin Remove other Hardhat plugins (default: "")
Tools that you can use in your scripts and tests to make your life easier
Create (if it does not exist) contractsAddressDeployed.json and contractsAddressDeployedHistory.json to store all the contracts you deployed, with the name of the contract, the contract address, the network name, the deployer address and the deployment date. The first file (contractsAddressDeployed.json) stores only the last contract for a given contract name and network name, while the second file (contractsAddressDeployedHistory.json) keeps a log of all the contracts deployed.
You can then retrieve your contract address in your tests scripts to run test on deployed contracts on live chains for example.
Import: javascript
const { addressBook, network } = require('hardhat')
import { addressBook, network } from 'hardhat'
contractName: string,
contractAddress: string,
deployedNetwork: string,
deployedBy: string,
chainId: number = 0,
blockHash?: string,
blockNumber?: number,
tag?: string,
extra?: any,
forceAdd = false as boolean
addressBook.retrieveContract(contractName: string, deployedNetwork: string)
await addressBook.saveContract(
await addressBook.retrieveContract('MockERC20', network.name)
address: string
Retrieve a deployed contract object
addressBook.retrieveContractObject(contractName: string, deployedNetwork: string)
await addressBook.retrieveContractObject('MockERC20', network.name)
name: string
address: string
network: string
deployer: string
deploymentDate: Date
chainId: number
blockHah?: string
blockNumber?: number
tag?: string
extra?: any
Retrieve Admin Proxy contract address deployed by @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades library
addressBook.retrieveOZAdminProxyContract(chainId: number)
await addressBook.retrieveOZAdminProxyContract(network.config.chainId)
address: string
Retrieve all contracts deployed for a network name
addressBook.retrieveContractHistory(deployedNetwork: string)
await addressBook.retrieveContractHistory(network.name)
name: string
address: string
network: string
deployer: string
deploymentDate: Date
chainId: number
blockHah?: string
blockNumber?: number
tag?: string
extra?: any
Clean the contractsAddressDeployed files by filtering a field and a value and remove these entry from the file, can be apply to both files or just the primary
addressBook.cleanContractDeployed(field: TAddressBookFields, value: any, applyToPrimary: boolean = true, applyToHistory: boolean = true)
await addressBook.cleanContractDeployed('network', 'hardhat', true, true)
## πͺ Done
- Run test on all or single test file (from all your file in test/) - Run scripts on all or single scripts file (from all your file in scripts/) - Run Forge test on all or single test contracts if forge setting is detected - Inject chain activated in settings, rpc and accounts in hardhat.config - Inject custom chain in hardhat networks - Setup chains, RPC and accounts: - Activate/Disable chain to show on test/scripts options - Build .env file with rpc url and private key (or mnemonic) - Add ".env.hardhat-awesome-cli" to .gitignore amd .npmignore (create .gitignore if do detected) - See all config for activated chain - Create Github test workflows - Create Foundry settings, remapping and test utilities - More settings - Exclude files from, tests scripts, and contracts selection (useful for config and share helper file) - Add/remove other hardhat plugins (In npm/yarn and in hardhat.config) - Create Github workflows file to run test, coverage test and forge test - Create Mock contracts (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 + Upgradeable version, AdminProxy and TransparentUpgradeableProxy) - Add @openzeppelin/contracts || @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable if not already installed - Offer to create deployment scripts (use addressBook.saveContract() to save the deployed contract in contractsAddressDeployed.json and contractsAddressDeployedHistory.json) - Offer to create test scripts - Offer to create Foundry/Forge test contracts - Tool to log all contracts deploy on each chain (1 unique contractName/chain + full log) and retrieve them (not tested yet) - hre.addressBook.{ saveContract, retrieveContract, retrieveContractObject, retrieveOZAdminProxyContract, retrieveContractHistory } - Flatten your contracts (All contracts, or specific contracts) save in contractsFlatten/ and offer to rename SPDX-License-Identifier -> SPDX-License-Flatten-Identifier to avoid multiple license identifier issue - Write some test on the package using mocha - Add optional flag to "cli" command to access some functionalityhardhat-awesome-cli/
β .eslintrc.js/
β .mocharc.json/
β .npmignore/
β .prettierignore/
β .prettierrc/
β awesome-readme.config.js/
β package-lock.json/
β package.json/
β README3.md/
β tsconfig.json/
β tsconfig.prod.json/
β tslint.json/
ββββ src/
ββββ test/
β AwesomeAddressBook.ts/
β buildEnv.ts/
β buildExcludedFile.ts/
β buildFilesList.ts/
β buildFoundrySetting.ts/
β buildMockContracts.ts/
β buildNetworks.ts/
β buildWorkflows.ts/
β config.ts/
β index.ts/
β packageInstaller.ts/
β serveInquirer.ts/
β type-extensions.ts/
β types.ts/
β utils.ts/
ββββ githubWorkflows/
ββββ mockContracts/
β addressBook.test.ts/
β cli.test.ts/
β helpers.ts/
ββββ hardhat-cli/
- Improving documentation
- Deployment contract generator
- More Settings:
- Handle directory for file exception
- Setup slack API or email report to receive a copy of test result and contracts list deployed
- Create a custom command
- Improve all the tests, to test transfer, mint, burn (all basic ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 functions)
- Add test for AdminProxy and TransparentUpgradeableProxy
- Offer to rename the Mock contract and set all constructor input (or initialize input) via cli
- Verify that the input name does not conflict with inheritance
- Rename the Mock file, contract name, deployment script, test scripts (and the test values)
- Write more test with mocha to test the package functionality
- Create contracts/, test/ and scripts/ folder if they don't exist when adding mock contracts
- Remove package from hardhat config when remove