To build the application, you will need to have Maven 3 and a Java 8 implementation installed (OpenJDK and Oracle Java SE are both supported).
Now you can build the runnable shaded JAR:
$ mvn clean package
The application is a RestEASY JAX-RS application, that by default is run under the Jetty server on port 8080 (if you use the packaged JAR).
Running the following command will start the service listening on
$ java -jar target/service-mdh.jar
This service is compatible with Heroku, and can be deployed by doing the following (assuming you're using git
# If you've never logged in with Heroku via the CLI
$ heroku login
# Create an app for the service in Heroku, and add the Git remote
$ heroku create
# Deploy the app
$ git push heroku master
More information can be found here.
Contributions are welcome to the project - whether they are feature requests, improvements or bug fixes! Refer to for our contribution requirements.
This service is released under the MIT License.