Technical resources for using the C4 model for visualizing software architecture.
The contents of this repository should help you with putting the C4 model into action, by providing relevant documentation, links, and technical artifacts (tools and media files).
- SVG notation shapes (for yEd or InkScape).
- Documentation samples, possibly in notebook form.
Right now, notation
holds subfolders for different SVG symbol themes including default
The latter is created according to the samples on
A legend.svg
file holds all symbols and can be used directly as a legend insert.
For different color schemes and specialized container types,
create variants of that file for specific projects or your own common stencil.
- Write a script that extracts symbols into their own SVG files.
- Explore how a yEd symbol group can be created (instead of importing single images).
- skleanthous/C4-PlantumlSkin – Skinning to create C4 diagrams using PlantUML.
- tmorin/plantuml-libs/c4model – Library implementing elements respecting the C4 Model.
- RicardoNiepel/c4-PlantUML – c4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way to describe and communicate software architectures.
- pihalve/c4model-visio-stencil – Visio stencil with C4 model shapes.
- mrich316/docker-sphinx-doc-builder – Docker image for a Sphinx documentation builder, with an included C4 PlantUML skin.
- ysholomii/structurizr_py – Python client library for Structurizr.
- Introducing Structurizr Express
Text Diagrams:
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
- clarity-h2020/csis-architecture – Architecture of the EU H2020 Project “Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency”, see CLARITY D4.2 CLARITY CSIS Architecture for end results.