The KeycloakClientBundle
bundle is a wrapper for the stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak
designed to simplify Keycloak integration into your application in Symfony and provide additional functionality
for token management and user information access.
It also includes a listener to verify the token on every request.
Before installing this package, you need to configure it manually.
You can do this by creating a mainick_keycloak_client.yaml
file in the config/packages
directory of your project
and adding the following configuration:
# config/packages/mainick_keycloak_client.yaml
verify_ssl: '%env(bool:IAM_VERIFY_SSL)%'
base_url: '%env(IAM_BASE_URL)%'
realm: '%env(IAM_REALM)%'
client_id: '%env(IAM_CLIENT_ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(IAM_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
redirect_uri: '%env(IAM_REDIRECT_URI)%'
encryption_algorithm: '%env(IAM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM)%'
encryption_key: '%env(IAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY)%'
encryption_key_path: '%env(IAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH)%'
version: '%env(IAM_VERSION)%'
Additionally, it's recommended to add the following environment variables to your project's environment file
(e.g., .env
or .env.local
) with the appropriate values for your configuration:
###> mainick/keycloak-client-bundle ###
IAM_VERIFY_SSL=true # Verify SSL certificate
IAM_BASE_URL='<your-base-server-url>' # Keycloak server URL
IAM_REALM='<your-realm>' # Keycloak realm name
IAM_CLIENT_ID='<your-client-id>' # Keycloak client id
IAM_CLIENT_SECRET='<your-client-secret>' # Keycloak client secret
IAM_REDIRECT_URI='<your-redirect-uri>' # Keycloak redirect uri
IAM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM='<your-algorithm>' # RS256, HS256, etc.
IAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY='<your-public-key>' # public key
IAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH='<your-public-key-path>' # public key path
IAM_VERSION='<your-version-keycloak>' # Keycloak version
###< mainick/keycloak-client-bundle ###
Make sure to replace the placeholder values with your actual configuration values. Once you have configured the package and environment variables, you can proceed with the installation.
You can install this package using Composer:
composer require mainick/keycloak-client-bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the config/bundles.php
file of your project:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\MainickKeycloakClientBundle::class => ['all' => true],
By configuring the package before installation, you ensure that it will be ready to use once installed.
You can get the Keycloak client by injecting the Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Interface\IamClientInterface
interface in your controller or service.
To use it, you need to add the following configuration
to your config/services.yaml
alias: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Provider\KeycloakClient
Then, you can use it in your controller or service:
namespace App\Service;
use Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Interface\IamClientInterface;
class IamService
public function __construct(
private IamClientInterface $iamClient
) {
Perform the desired operations, such as retrieving additional user claims, assigned roles, associated groups, etc.
// authenticate the user with username and password
$accessToken = $this->iamClient->authenticate($username, $password);
// authenticate the user with authorization code
$accessToken = $this->iamClient->authenticateCodeGrant($authorizationCode);
// verify and introspect the token
$userRepresentation = $this->iamClient->verifyToken($accessToken);
echo $userRepresentation->id; // id
echo $userRepresentation->username; // username
echo $userRepresentation->email; // email
echo $userRepresentation->firstName; // first name
echo $userRepresentation->lastName; // last name
echo $userRepresentation->name; // full name
echo $userRepresentation->groups; // all groups assigned to the user
echo $userRepresentation->realmRoles; // realm roles assigned to the user
echo $userRepresentation->clientRoles; // client roles assigned to the user
echo $userRepresentation->applicationRoles; // specific client roles assigned to the user
echo $userRepresentation->attributes; // additional user attributes
// refresh the token
$accessToken = $this->iamClient->refreshToken($accessToken);
// get user info
$userInfo = $this->iamClient->userInfo($accessToken);
echo $userInfo->id; // id
echo $userInfo->username; // username
echo $userInfo->email; // email
echo $userInfo->firstName; // first name
echo $userInfo->lastName; // last name
echo $userInfo->name; // full name
echo $userInfo->groups; // all groups assigned to the user
echo $userInfo->realmRoles; // realm roles assigned to the user
echo $userInfo->clientRoles; // client roles assigned to the user
echo $userInfo->applicationRoles; // specific client roles assigned to the user
echo $userInfo->attributes; // additional user attributes
// has role
$hasRole = $this->iamClient->hasRole($accessToken, $roleName);
// has any role
$hasAnyRole = $this->iamClient->hasAnyRole($accessToken, $roleNames);
// has all roles
$hasAllRoles = $this->iamClient->hasAllRoles($accessToken, $roleNames);
// has group
$hasGroup = $this->iamClient->hasGroup($accessToken, $groupName);
// has any group
$hasAnyGroup = $this->iamClient->hasAnyGroup($accessToken, $groupNames);
// has all groups
$hasAllGroups = $this->iamClient->hasAllGroups($accessToken, $groupNames);
// has scope
$hasScope = $this->iamClient->hasScope($accessToken, $scopeName);
// has any scope
$hasAnyScope = $this->iamClient->hasAnyScope($accessToken, $scopeNames);
// has all scopes
$hasAllScopes = $this->iamClient->hasAllScopes($accessToken, $scopeNames);
The KeycloakClientBundle includes a built-in listener, TokenAuthListener
, that automatically validates the
JWT token on every request, ensuring the security and validity of your Keycloak integration.
This listener seamlessly handles token validation, allowing you to focus on your application's logic.
In your Symfony project, add the TokenAuthListener
to your config/services.yaml
file as a registered service
and tag it as a kernel.event_listener
. This will enable the listener to trigger on every request.
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: checkValidToken, priority: 0 }
Additionally, the TokenAuthListener
adds an user
attribute to the Symfony request object,
which contains the UserRepresentationDTO
// get the user object from the request
$user = $request->attributes->get('user');
This user
attribute contains the user information fetched from the JWT token and is an instance
of the UserRepresentationDTO
This allows your application to easily access user-related data when processing requests.
verifies the token for all incoming requests by default. However,
if you have specific routes for which you want to exclude token validation,
you can do so using the ExcludeTokenValidationAttribute
To exclude token validation for a particular route, apply the ExcludeTokenValidationAttribute
to the
corresponding controller method.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Annotation\ExcludeTokenValidationAttribute;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
class MyController extends AbstractController
#[Route("/path/to/excluded/route", name: "app.excluded_route", methods: ["GET"])]
public function excludedRouteAction(): Response
// This route is excluded from token validation.
// ...
When the ExcludeTokenValidationAttribute
is applied to a method, TokenAuthListener
will skip token validation
for requests to that specific route.
To use the KeycloakClientBundle
with Symfony's security component, you need to configure the security system to use the Keycloak client.
First you need to add a new section to the bundle configuration file:
# config/packages/mainick_keycloak_client.yaml
default_target_route_name: '%env(TARGET_ROUTE_NAME)%'
Then you need to configure the Keycloak redirect uri to the mainick_keycloak_security_auth_connect_check
bundle route, which redirects to the default route or referer route after successful login.
It's recommended to change the following environment variable to your project's environment file
(e.g., .env
or .env.local
) with the uri. The same URI must be configured in the Keycloak application client:
###> mainick/keycloak-client-bundle ###
###< mainick/keycloak-client-bundle ###
Below is the complete configuration file:
# config/packages/mainick_keycloak_client.yaml
verify_ssl: '%env(bool:IAM_VERIFY_SSL)%'
base_url: '%env(IAM_BASE_URL)%'
realm: '%env(IAM_REALM)%'
client_id: '%env(IAM_CLIENT_ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(IAM_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
redirect_uri: '%env(IAM_REDIRECT_URI)%'
encryption_algorithm: '%env(IAM_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM)%'
encryption_key: '%env(IAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY)%'
encryption_key_path: '%env(IAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH)%'
version: '%env(IAM_VERSION)%'
default_target_route_name: '%env(TARGET_ROUTE_NAME)%'
Create a new file in config/routes/
to load pre configured bundle routes.
# config/routes/mainick_keycloak_security.yaml
path: /auth/keycloak/connect
controller: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Controller\KeycloakController::connect
path: /auth/keycloak/check
controller: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Controller\KeycloakController::connectCheck
path: /auth/keycloak/logout
controller: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Controller\KeycloakController::logout
Then you need to configure the security system to use the Keycloak client.
You can do this by adding the following configuration to your config/packages/security.yaml
file to use the bundle's UserProvider:
# config/packages/security.yaml
id: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Security\User\KeycloakUserProvider
Here is a simple configuration that restrict access to /app/*
routes only to user with roles "ROLE_USER" or "ROLE_ADMIN" :
# config/packages/security.yaml
id: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Security\User\KeycloakUserProvider
pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
security: false
pattern: /auth/keycloak/connect
security: false
pattern: ^/
provider: mainick_keycloak_user_provider
entry_point: Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Security\EntryPoint\KeycloakAuthenticationEntryPoint
- Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Security\Authenticator\KeycloakAuthenticator
path: mainick_keycloak_security_auth_logout
# Easy way to control access for large sections of your site
# Note: Only the *first* access control that matches will be used
- { path: ^/app, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
To logout the user, you can use the following code:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Mainick\KeycloakClientBundle\Annotation\ExcludeTokenValidationAttribute;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
class MyController extends AbstractController
#[Route("/logout", name: "app.logout", methods: ["GET"])]
public function logout(): RedirectResponse
return $this->redirectToRoute('mainick_keycloak_security_auth_logout');
or create a link in your twig template:
<a href="{{ path('mainick_keycloak_security_auth_logout') }}">Logout</a>
This will redirect the user to the Keycloak logout page, where the user will be logged out from the Keycloak server.
To redirect the user to a specific route after login, you can set the TARGET_ROUTE_NAME
environment variable
to the desired route name.
###> mainick/keycloak-client-bundle ###
###< mainick/keycloak-client-bundle ###
This will redirect the user to the app_home
route after a successful login.
If you have an Access Denied error in your browser, it is maybe because scope roles is misconfigured.
For correction:
- Check whether the ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_USER roles have been created for the application client.
- Click on Client scopes on left panel, then roles:
- Click on Mappers tab, then client roles:
- Disabled Add to userinfo, click on Save, then enabled Add to userinfo and click on Save:
Please check the roles assigned to the user in Keycloak and the roles configured in the Symfony security configuration.
Install the Composer dependencies:
git clone /~
cd KeycloakClientBundle
composer update
Then run the test suite:
composer test
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
We welcome your contributions! If you wish to enhance this package or have found a bug, feel free to create a pull request or report an issue in the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.