A cobbled together script to create focused (cropped and upscaled) timelapses of the r/place event. Based on 2023 event.
- Graphical cropping - Pick the area from the full canvas.
- Auto-timestamp - Start from when your area appeared in the event.
- Calculates closest scalable 16:9 (or 9:16) resolution.
- Pixel-by-Pixel upscale - Through imagemagicks
convert -filter point resize
- cobbled together tools with no solid end user in mind.
- when the image-processing started - if you want to abort, kill the terminal.
Have a directory with the raw images in the resolution 3000x2000. Raw files can be obtained here place-atlas-2023-scraped-canvas which has to be processed.
- First unpack the files
- either with this oneliner:
for file in *tar; do dir=$(basename "$file" .tar); mkdir "$dir"; tar -xvf "$file" -C "$dir" ; done
- or with the mini-script unpacker.sh
- either with this oneliner:
- Then run the montage_all.sh script, takes quite a while (need to test, seems slow).
- ffmpeg
- imagemagick
- python3
- Get the script and requirements file.
- Create a python virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit the script and set your directory of raw images
- Example:
raw_images = "ALL/"
- Example: