Welcome to my wallpapers collection! This repository hosts a curated selection of high-quality wallpapers which I use on my personal computer.
The website offers an easy-to-use interface for exploring and downloading wallpapers.
Feel free to use these wallpapers for your personal devices. Here's how you can use this repository:
- Browse the collection on our website
- Clone the repository to have offline access to all wallpapers
- Download individual wallpapers directly from the GitHub repository
We welcome contributions to our wallpaper collection! If you'd like to contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Add your wallpaper(s) to the appropriate directory
- Submit a pull request with a brief description of your addition
Please ensure all contributed wallpapers are either your original work or you have the right to distribute them.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue in this repository.
Enjoy the wallpapers!