Pet adoption website in the making - created with HTML, CSS, Javascript and
- Main page with slideshow displaying various images of the animals.
- About page
- Adoption pages for dogs, cats, birds, bunnies and other animals, including information and images of each animal.
- Pages on how to get involved:
- membership
- visit
- volunteer
- foster
- Shop and merch page
- Pages for fun:
- Pet age converter
- Memory game
- Contact page with contact info
Mobile and desktop version. Adoption pages for dogs, cats, birds and bunnies with data fetched from Sanity, with the possibility to click on each animal to open a new page with more information about the pet. Main page slideshow displaying images of the animals and the pet adoption shelter.
Github repository: /~
Website demo:
- Javascript
- Netlify
All pet photos from:
Icons from:
- Iconfinder
- Remove placeholder images and create new image links for each pet adoption page (dogs, cats, birds, bunnies and other animals).
- Add more pets to Sanity studio.
- Create slideshow.
- Create memory game.
- Add items and cart functions to shop