Encoding/decoding large sizes binary data. Yes, binary. I mean files, images and actually anything
Stackoverflow solutions are just garbage. No, really. Just look at that endless std::string pushbacks and countless temp buffers.
This one could be one of the fastest base64 enc/decoder implementation. Or it's the dumbest one. Need your feedback to tell!
- 🚀 Achieves speeds over 100 MB/s at a single thred of AMD Ryzen 3600
- 🚀 No I'm serious, it's fast
- ✨ Straight-forward algorythm, no additional buffers and other nonsence
- 👌 Tested in my other projects
- 💣 Probably some explosive bugs (didn't find any yet)
- 😡 Makes python and JS devs cry
Demo result:
Original: This is a simple test string
Encoded: VGhpcyBpcyBhIHNpbXBsZSB0ZXN0IHN0cmluZw==
Decoded: This is a simple test string
Generated valid base64 string
Done with no errors