Releases: maciej-sz/nbp-php
Releases · maciej-sz/nbp-php
This release drops support for EOL PHP versions (< 8.1)
What's Changed
- fix: #22 encode cache keys by @michalananapps in #23
- GitHub pipeline, PHP 8.4 support by @maciej-sz in #25
New Contributors
- @michalananapps made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- #15 fix for missing table B by @maciej-sz in #18
- #17 - fix getting rates for day before if there are gaps in table by @maciej-sz in #19
Full Changelog: 2.0.2...2.0.3
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
What's Changed
- Rewritten library from scratch using elements of DDD design
- Uses NBP web API instead of tables in CSV files
- fluent service layer API (LINQ style)
- Dropped support for PHP < 7.2
- Dropped Behat test, integration and e2e tests are now included in PHPUnit test suites