The goal is to use deep reinforcement learning algorithms: Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) to control mobile robot(turtlebot) to avoid obstacles while trying to arrive a target.
Goal: Let robot(turtlebot) navigate to the target(enter green circle)
Demo video (Speed up ten times )
More and more service robots appear in our daily lives. The key technologies of service robots involve many fields. Including navigation, system control, mechanism modules, vision modules, voice modules, artificial intelligence, etc. In this research, we present a learning-based mapless motion planner. This saves us from using traditional methods such as "SLAM" to have maps and can also do the navigation.
Laser finding (10 Dimensions)
Past action (Linear velocity & Angular velocity) (2 Dimensions)
Target position in robot frame (2 Dimensions) a. Relative distance b. Relative angle (Polar coordinates)
Robot yaw angular (1 Dimensions)
The degrees to face the target i.e.|Yaw - Relative angle| (1 Dimensions)
Total: 16 Dimensions
Normalize input(state):
- Laser finding / Maximum laser finding range
- Past action (Orignal)
- Target position in robot frame
- Relative distance / Diagonal length in the map
- Relative angle / 360
- Robot yaw angular / 360
- The degrees to face the target / 180
- Linear velocity (0~0.25 m/s) (1 Dimensions)
- Angular velocity (-0.5~0.5 rad/s) (1 Dimensions)
- Arrive the target: +120
- Hit the wall: -100
- Else: 500*(Past relative distance - current relative distance)
Algorithm: DDPG (Actor with batch normlization Critic without batch normlization)
Training env: gazebo
pip3 install tensorflow-gpu
ROS Kinetic
- Gazebo7 (When you install ros kinetic it also install gazebo7)
mkdir catkin_ws && mkdir catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone /~ project
git clone /~
git clone /~
git clone /~
cd ..
And add following line in ~/.bashrc
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
source /home/"Enter your user name"/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Then enter following command in terminal
source ~/.bashrc
Demo: First run:
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_stage_1.launch
In another terminal run:
roslaunch project ddpg_stage_1.launch
Train: If you want to retrain yourself change the setting
is_training = True # In: project/src/
Network structure:
Ros workspace: