This is a telegram bot to control balance of your Ethereum wallets, you can add your ethereum addresses (wallets) and control your balance of Ethereum and ERC tokens on it, also bot are going to check balance of your wallets and are going to keep you informed about all changes on it.
Had been used python-telegram-bot API Library, you can use start_polling or webhook updates methods to recieve the messages (see code and pyTelegramBotAPI Library manual)
MongoBD database and PyMongo - the Python driver for MongoDB had been used to store user's wallets and balances
“Powered by” for view ethereum tokens balances. I would recommend you to get personal Ethplorer API key, see Ethplorer's public API
To show current Ethereum market price is used API - CryptoCompare API
You need to install:
python (tested on 3.5+ version)
python-telegram-bot with:
$ pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade
mongod - The database server
pymongo with:
$ python -m pip install pymongo
But in any case you must read authentic modules documentation to use it in your own operating system and environment
Bot Settings are in the file ethdroid/
- put your TOKEN_BOT
- admin telegram alias YOUR_TELEGRAM_ALIAS
- some your API urls settings
- put your MongoDB settings: MONGO_DB_NAME and MONGO_DB_COLLECTION
$ python
- you must use your python correct command depend of your python version and install path
Screenshot of the working bot: