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A mock laundry reservation system for an apartment complex.

This project was completed as part of a college software development course. The purpose of this project was to test us on our ability to work with a group, design a system using SDLC concepts, and actually create a functional piece of software using the skills we have learned throughout the course including PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and JS.

The concept of the project is to design a system and create an application for an apartment complex of 25 tenants who have to share one laundry room, that allows tenants to reserve a 3-hour time slot. Each tenant can only reserve one timeslot per week, and can not change their timeslot once they have reserved one.

File Structure

  • /inc contains all the PHP code.
    • database.php contains code to connect and return the MySQL connection object.
    • session.php contains code for handling sessions (signing in, registering, etc), as well as an "action router".
    • timeslots.php contains all the code for checking the database for avialable timeslots, reserving timeslots, etc.
    • users.php contains all the code for handling operations relating to users such as creating a new user, checking if a username exists, etc.
  • /js contains main.js which contains code to aid in rendering some UI elements in index.php

Registering/Signing in

  • Both register.php and use signn.php use a form submitting a POST request containing a hidden input named url: <input type="hidden" name="url" value="signin">
  • session.php contains the snippet below, which is routing those form submissions to the appropriate "action" based on the hidden input
            $url = $_POST['url'];
            if($url === 'register'){
            } else if ($url === 'signin'){
            } else if($url === 'logout'){
            } else if($url === 'reserve'){
    • In the case of signing in, we check the database for a user that has the provided password, and if such a user exists, we return the user's apartment number.
      function get_apt_number($username, $password){
              $db = db_connect();
              $get_apt_number_sql = "SELECT *
                                  FROM heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Users 
                                  WHERE heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Users.username = '$username' 
                                  AND heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Users.password = '$password' ";
              $result = $db->query($get_apt_number_sql)->fetch_assoc()['apt_number'];
              return (empty($result)) ? false : $result;
      • One important thing to note -- my knowledge of secure coding practices were not lacking during the development of this project. Therefore:
        • This entire project is susecpible to SQL injections because of the lack of prepared statements, such as the example above.
        • The example above has a couple serious security issues.
          • Passwords are stored in plaintext. They should be hashed with a cryptograpic hash function
          • Plaintexts passwords being directly compared with each other instead of the hash of the provided password being compared with a stored hash.

Displaying a reserved timeslot

  • Once a user is logged in, they are redirected to the home page, index.php, which has the below snippet, checking if they already have a reserved timeslot:
             } else if(get_reservation_info($_SESSION['session_apt'])) {
                 header("Location: ./displayrsvp.php");
    • get_reservation_info() is querying the database for a timeslot with the currently logged in user's apartment number.
    • If they do have a timeslot, they are redirected to displayrsvp.php which displays their reserved timeslot.

Reserving new timeslot

  • index.php contains a table, listing out all the available timeslots for each day of the week. Here is one example:
     	<td class="row"> MONDAY
     		<div data-weekday="Monday" class="timeslots-container">
     			<?php print_available_timeslots('Monday'); ?>
    • print_available_timeslots() gets all the timeslots for a specific day of the week, then prints each available hour for that weekday:
      • Monday -> 3AM, 6AM, 9AM, ...
  • a user can then select the weekday they want in a dropdown:
     <form action="./inc/session.php" method="post" id="reserve">
     	<h3>SELECT DAY OF THE WEEK</h3>
     	<select name="weekday-input" id="weekday-input" class="rsvp" >
     	<h3>SELECT TIME SLOT</h3>
     	<select name="hour-input" id="hour-input" class="rsvp" >
     	<input type="hidden" name="url" value="reserve">
     	<h2><button id="reserve-btn" name="submit">RESERVE</button> </h2>
    • in main.js, I have some code that is going through all the .timeslots-container, and populates the weekday dropdown. Only weekdays with available timeslots are added as an option in the dropdown.
       const timeslotRows = document.querySelectorAll('.timeslots-container');
       // renders options for weekday select for weekdays that have at least one timeslot
       timeslotRows.forEach(row => {
           if(row.children.length > 0) {
               const option = document.createElement('option');
               option.value = row.dataset.weekday;
               option.textContent = row.dataset.weekday;
  • once they select the weekday, an event listener in main.js fires, which now populates the hours dropdown with all the available hours for that selected weekday:
     const renderHourOptions = (weekday) => {
         const WeekdayRow = document.querySelector(`[data-weekday="${weekday}"]`);
         Array.from(WeekdayRow.children).forEach(child => {
             const option = document.createElement('option');
             option.value = child.dataset.hour;
             option.textContent = child.textContent;
  • when the form is submitted, the reserve() function in session.php is called, which updates the timeslot's apartment, after first checking that the timeslot is not already reserved.
     function reserve(){
     	$start_hour = $_POST['hour-input'];
     	$weekday = $_POST['weekday-input'];
     	$apt_number = $_SESSION['session_apt'];
     	if(reserve_timeslot($start_hour, $weekday, $apt_number)){
     		$_SESSION['success'] = "Time slot reserved.";
     		header("Location: ../displayrsvp.php");
     	} else {
     		$_SESSION['error'] = "Time slot already reserved. Please select another time slot.";
     		header("Location: ../index.php");
     // timeslots.php
     // reserve a timeslot using the start_hour and weekday of the timeslot
     function reserve_timeslot($start_hour, $weekday, $apt_number){
         $db = db_connect();
         $sql = "UPDATE heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Timeslots 
                 SET apt_number = '$apt_number' 
                 WHERE start_hour = '$start_hour' 
                 AND weekday = '$weekday'";
         if(is_timeslot_reserved($start_hour, $weekday)){
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;


A mock laundry reservation system for an apartment complex.







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