A mock laundry reservation system for an apartment complex.
This project was completed as part of a college software development course. The purpose of this project was to test us on our ability to work with a group, design a system using SDLC concepts, and actually create a functional piece of software using the skills we have learned throughout the course including PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and JS.
The concept of the project is to design a system and create an application for an apartment complex of 25 tenants who have to share one laundry room, that allows tenants to reserve a 3-hour time slot. Each tenant can only reserve one timeslot per week, and can not change their timeslot once they have reserved one.
contains all the PHP code.database.php
contains code to connect and return theMySQL
connection object.session.php
contains code for handling sessions (signing in, registering, etc), as well as an "action router".timeslots.php
contains all the code for checking the database for avialable timeslots, reserving timeslots, etc.users.php
contains all the code for handling operations relating to users such as creating a new user, checking if a username exists, etc.
which contains code to aid in rendering some UI elements inindex.php
- Both
and usesignn.php
use a form submitting aPOST
request containing a hidden input named url:<input type="hidden" name="url" value="signin">
contains the snippet below, which is routing those form submissions to the appropriate "action" based on the hidden inputif(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $url = $_POST['url']; if($url === 'register'){ register(); } else if ($url === 'signin'){ signin(); } else if($url === 'logout'){ logout(); } else if($url === 'reserve'){ reserve(); } }
- In the case of signing in, we check the database for a user that has the provided password, and if such a user exists, we return the user's apartment number.
function get_apt_number($username, $password){ $db = db_connect(); $get_apt_number_sql = "SELECT * FROM heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Users WHERE heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Users.username = '$username' AND heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Users.password = '$password' "; $result = $db->query($get_apt_number_sql)->fetch_assoc()['apt_number']; $db->close(); return (empty($result)) ? false : $result; }
- One important thing to note -- my knowledge of secure coding practices were not lacking during the development of this project. Therefore:
- This entire project is susecpible to SQL injections because of the lack of prepared statements, such as the example above.
- The example above has a couple serious security issues.
- Passwords are stored in plaintext. They should be hashed with a cryptograpic hash function
- Plaintexts passwords being directly compared with each other instead of the hash of the provided password being compared with a stored hash.
- One important thing to note -- my knowledge of secure coding practices were not lacking during the development of this project. Therefore:
- In the case of signing in, we check the database for a user that has the provided password, and if such a user exists, we return the user's apartment number.
- Once a user is logged in, they are redirected to the home page,
, which has the below snippet, checking if they already have a reserved timeslot:if(!logged_in()){ ... } else if(get_reservation_info($_SESSION['session_apt'])) { header("Location: ./displayrsvp.php"); }
is querying the database for a timeslot with the currently logged in user's apartment number.- If they do have a timeslot, they are redirected to
which displays their reserved timeslot.
contains a table, listing out all the available timeslots for each day of the week. Here is one example:<tr> <td class="row"> MONDAY <div data-weekday="Monday" class="timeslots-container"> <?php print_available_timeslots('Monday'); ?> </div> </td> </tr>
gets all the timeslots for a specific day of the week, then prints each available hour for that weekday:- Monday -> 3AM, 6AM, 9AM, ...
- a user can then select the weekday they want in a dropdown:
<form action="./inc/session.php" method="post" id="reserve"> <h3>SELECT DAY OF THE WEEK</h3> <select name="weekday-input" id="weekday-input" class="rsvp" > </select> <h3>SELECT TIME SLOT</h3> <select name="hour-input" id="hour-input" class="rsvp" > </select> <br> <input type="hidden" name="url" value="reserve"> <h2><button id="reserve-btn" name="submit">RESERVE</button> </h2> </form>
- in
, I have some code that is going through all the.timeslots-container
, and populates the weekday dropdown. Only weekdays with available timeslots are added as an option in the dropdown.... const timeslotRows = document.querySelectorAll('.timeslots-container'); // renders options for weekday select for weekdays that have at least one timeslot timeslotRows.forEach(row => { if(row.children.length > 0) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = row.dataset.weekday; option.textContent = row.dataset.weekday; weekdaySelect.appendChild(option); } });
- in
- once they select the weekday, an event listener in
fires, which now populates the hours dropdown with all the available hours for that selected weekday:const renderHourOptions = (weekday) => { const WeekdayRow = document.querySelector(`[data-weekday="${weekday}"]`); Array.from(WeekdayRow.children).forEach(child => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = child.dataset.hour; option.textContent = child.textContent; hourSelect.appendChild(option); }); } ```
- when the form is submitted, the
function insession.php
is called, which updates the timeslot's apartment, after first checking that the timeslot is not already reserved.function reserve(){ $start_hour = $_POST['hour-input']; $weekday = $_POST['weekday-input']; $apt_number = $_SESSION['session_apt']; if(reserve_timeslot($start_hour, $weekday, $apt_number)){ $_SESSION['success'] = "Time slot reserved."; header("Location: ../displayrsvp.php"); } else { $_SESSION['error'] = "Time slot already reserved. Please select another time slot."; header("Location: ../index.php"); } } // timeslots.php // reserve a timeslot using the start_hour and weekday of the timeslot function reserve_timeslot($start_hour, $weekday, $apt_number){ $db = db_connect(); $sql = "UPDATE heroku_e691b3f32de1113.Timeslots SET apt_number = '$apt_number' WHERE start_hour = '$start_hour' AND weekday = '$weekday'"; if(is_timeslot_reserved($start_hour, $weekday)){ return false; } else { $db->query($sql); $db->close(); return true; } }