In what follows python
is an alias for python3.9
or pypy3.9
or any later version (python3.10
, pypy3.10
and so on).
Install the latest pip
& setuptools
packages versions
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Download and install the latest stable version from PyPI
python -m pip install --upgrade rithm
Download the latest version from GitHub
git clone /~
cd rithm
Install dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
With setup
>>> from rithm.integer import Int
we can:
- construct
>>> Int() Int(0) >>> Int(9) Int(9) >>> Int('9') Int(9) >>> Int('0b1001', 2) Int(9) >>> Int('0o11', 8) Int(9) >>> Int('0x9', 16) Int(9) >>> Int('1001', 2) Int(9) >>> Int('0o11', 8) Int(9) >>> Int('9', 16) Int(9) >>> Int(9.99) Int(9)
- compare
>>> Int(9) == Int(9) True >>> Int(9) >= Int(9) True >>> Int(9) > Int(8) True >>> Int(9) <= Int(9) True >>> Int(9) < Int(10) True
- calculate
>>> abs(Int(-9)) Int(9) >>> Int(4) + Int(5) Int(9) >>> Int(9) & Int(11) Int(9) >>> Int(19) // Int(2) Int(9) >>> ~Int(-10) Int(9) >>> Int(19) % Int(10) Int(9) >>> Int(3) * Int(3) Int(9) >>> -Int(-9) Int(9) >>> Int(1) | Int(8) Int(9) >>> Int(3) ** Int(2) Int(9) >>> Int(5) << Int(1) Int(10) >>> Int(5) >> Int(1) Int(2) >>> Int(25) - Int(16) Int(9) >>> Int(18) / Int(2) Fraction(Int(9), Int(1)) >>> Int(2) ^ Int(11) Int(9)
With setup
>>> from rithm.fraction import Fraction
we can:
- construct
>>> Fraction() Fraction(Int(0), Int(1)) >>> Fraction(1) Fraction(Int(1), Int(1)) >>> Fraction(1, 2) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(50, 100) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(0.5) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2))
- compare
>>> Fraction(1, 2) == Fraction(1, 2) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) >= Fraction(1, 2) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) > Fraction(1, 3) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) < Fraction(2, 3) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) != Fraction(1, 3) True
- calculate
>>> abs(Fraction(-1, 2)) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(1, 3) + Fraction(1, 6) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(3, 2) // Fraction(1) Int(1) >>> Fraction(3, 2) % Fraction(1) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(1, 3) * Fraction(3, 2) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> -Fraction(-1, 2) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(1, 2) ** 2 Fraction(Int(1), Int(4)) >>> Fraction(3, 2) - Fraction(1) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2)) >>> Fraction(1, 3) / Fraction(2, 3) Fraction(Int(1), Int(2))
/// With setup
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use traiter::numbers::{
Abs, DivEuclid, FromStrRadix, Pow, RemEuclid, Zero
use rithm::big_int;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
type Digit = u16;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "x86"))]
type Digit = u32;
const DIGIT_BITNESS: usize = (Digit::BITS - 1) as usize;
const _: () = assert!(big_int::is_valid_digit_bitness::<Digit, DIGIT_BITNESS>());
type BigInt = big_int::BigInt<Digit, DIGIT_BITNESS>;
/// we can:
/// - construct
assert_eq!(BigInt::zero(), 0);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(9), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::try_from("9").unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::try_from("0b1001").unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::try_from("0o11").unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::try_from("0x9").unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix("1001", 2).unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix("11", 8).unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix("9", 16).unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::try_from(9.99).unwrap(), 9);
/// - compare
assert!(BigInt::from(9) == BigInt::from(9));
assert!(BigInt::from(9) >= BigInt::from(9));
assert!(BigInt::from(9) > BigInt::from(8));
assert!(BigInt::from(9) <= BigInt::from(9));
assert!(BigInt::from(9) < BigInt::from(10));
/// - calculate
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-9).abs(), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(4) + BigInt::from(5), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(9) & BigInt::from(11), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1) | BigInt::from(8), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(2) ^ BigInt::from(11), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(19) / BigInt::from(2), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(19).div_euclid(BigInt::from(2)), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(3) * BigInt::from(3), 9);
assert_eq!(-BigInt::from(-9), 9);
assert_eq!(!BigInt::from(-10), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(3).pow(BigInt::from(2)), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(19) % BigInt::from(10), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(19).rem_euclid(BigInt::from(10)), 9);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(5) << 1, 10);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(5) >> 1, 2);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(25) - BigInt::from(16), 9);
/// With setup
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use traiter::numbers::{Abs, DivEuclid, One, Pow, RemEuclid, Zero};
use rithm::fraction;
type Fraction = fraction::Fraction<i8>;
/// we can:
/// - construct
assert_eq!(Fraction::zero(), 0);
assert_eq!(Fraction::one(), 1);
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(1, 2), Some(Fraction::from(1) / 2));
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(50, 100), Fraction::new(1, 2));
assert_eq!(Fraction::try_from(0.5).unwrap(), Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
/// - compare
assert!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap() == Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap() >= Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap() > Fraction::new(1, 3).unwrap());
assert!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap() <= Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap() < Fraction::new(2, 3).unwrap());
assert!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap() != Fraction::new(1, 3).unwrap());
/// - calculate
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(-1, 2).unwrap().abs(), Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(1, 3).unwrap() + Fraction::new(1, 6).unwrap(),
Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(1, 3).unwrap() / Fraction::new(2, 3).unwrap(),
Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(3, 2).unwrap().div_euclid(Fraction::from(1)), 1);
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(1, 3).unwrap() * Fraction::new(3, 2).unwrap(),
Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(-Fraction::new(-1, 2).unwrap(), Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap().pow(2), Fraction::new(1, 4).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(3, 2).unwrap() % Fraction::from(1),
Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(3, 2).unwrap().rem_euclid(Fraction::from(1)),
Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
assert_eq!(Fraction::new(3, 2).unwrap() - Fraction::from(1),
Fraction::new(1, 2).unwrap());
Install bump2version.
Choose which version number category to bump following semver specification.
Test bumping version
bump2version --dry-run --verbose $CATEGORY
is the target version number category name, possible
values are patch
Bump version
bump2version --verbose $CATEGORY
This will set version to major.minor.patch-alpha
Test bumping version
bump2version --dry-run --verbose release
Bump version
bump2version --verbose release
This will set version to major.minor.patch
Install dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements-tests.txt
Inside Docker
- with
docker-compose --file docker-compose.cpython.yml up
- with
docker-compose --file docker-compose.pypy.yml up
./ cpython
./ pypy
- with
.\run-tests.ps1 cpython
- with
.\run-tests.ps1 pypy