This project is an implementation of the numerical schemes for fluid problems, such as Navier-Stokes equation and natural convection equation with Freefem++, based on the method of characteristics and finite element method (FEM).
First, you must install recent Freefem++. This program was written with version Freefem++ 3.47.
You can download the zip at here or clone this repository by git command
git clone /~
The general syntax is:
Freefem++ main.edp [--config numconfig] [--testcase case] [--meshname "name"] [--dc numoption] [--resu "resfolder"] [--arg value]
where basic options are
--config 1: Navier-Stokes, 2: Natural convection
--testcase the test case
--meshname the name of mesh file (e.g. liddriven19)
--dc the config of defect-correction (DC) methods (1 for using DC or 0 for non-DC)
--resu the results directory (created if non-existent)
and numerical parameters are listed below:
--nu the constant kinematic viscosity of the fluid (Navier-Stokes only)
--Pr the Prandtl number (natural convection only)
--Ra the Rayleigh number (natural convection only)
--T the final time (second)
--dt the time step (second)
--sigma the stabilizing factor of defect-correction method (only for dc = 1 case)
--save save results to .sol files configuration (1 for save, 0 for non-save)
and other optional parameters.
An example command for Lid-driven cavity test (Navier-Stokes problem) is as follow:
Freefem++ main.edp --config 1 --testcase 1 --meshname "liddriven19" --dc 1 --resu "results\Lid_driven\h19" --T 100 --nu 1e-4 --nbp 100
This program has been developed by Le Van Chien, Tran Minh Tam and Ta Thi Thanh Mai (School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology).
Any suggestions or contributions are welcome. If you have any questions or want to create contributive brands, feel free to contact us at