This script reads IP addresses from parameter and uses the MaxMind GeoIP databases to output various data points for each source IP. The user can specify various fields for output in a format string. You can use this script to download the GeoIP database files if needed as well.
Avaialable as Single API or build on Amazon Lambda Serverless Infrastructure.
This script is an example of using API to Serverless Bridge.
Download MaxMind City GeoLite2 Database (GeoLite2-City.mmdb) from, then copy it in 'data' directory.
Copy file "config/cp-Config.json" to "config/Config.json"
$ yarn
$ node index.js
if you use nodemon
$ yarn
$ nodemon index.js
[nodemon] 1.18.11
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node index.js`
Listening on port 3000
Make sure read the documentation of Nodejs Serverless Framework.
One thing we need to make sure before deploying this service is that we create and store the required AWS credentials. Details can be found here. You can even use below command to set AWS credentials for serverless:
$ serverless config credentials --provider aws --key AWS_ACCESS_KEY --secret AWS_SECRET
see serverless configuration file
$ serverless deploy
This command will automatically create the Serverless Lambda Function and API Gateway in the AWS account.
You can access it from browser, http://localhost:3000/[the_ip], example: http://localhost:3000/
OR with Amazon API Gateway url:
Manual test from terminal:
$ curl http://localhost:3000/
"status": 200,
"data": {
"ip": "",
"city": "",
"country": {
"isoCode": "US",
"name": "United States"
"continent": "North America",
"traits": {
"ipAddress": "",
"isAnonymous": false,
"isAnonymousProxy": false,
"isAnonymousVpn": false,
"isHostingProvider": false,
"isLegitimateProxy": false,
"isPublicProxy": false,
"isSatelliteProvider": false,
"isTorExitNode": false
$ curl
"status": 200,
"data": {
"ip": "",
"city": "",
"country": {
"isoCode": "US",
"name": "United States"
"continent": "North America",
"traits": {
"ipAddress": "",
"isAnonymous": false,
"isAnonymousProxy": false,
"isAnonymousVpn": false,
"isHostingProvider": false,
"isLegitimateProxy": false,
"isPublicProxy": false,
"isSatelliteProvider": false,
"isTorExitNode": false
We are happy to accept more line code from the community. 🎉