data transportation tool, from one to another.such as,file, kafka, hdfs etc.
- Demo: Example
// 将配置文件解析成制定格式v的结构
type Configer interface {
Parse(v interface{}) error
type Inputer interface {
Init(config Configer) error
Start() error
Read([]byte) (int, error)
Close() error
Version() string
type Adapter interface {
Init(config Configer) error
Handle(in, out byte) error
Version() string
type Outputer interface {
Init(config Configer) error
Start() error
Write([]byte) (int, error)
Close() error
Version() string
Handler可以组合Inject struct,以实现向Input/Output中注入数据,示例
exec: 执行程序/脚本
file(s): 文件
hdfs: hdfs
http: HTTP POST方法
influxdb: influxdb
kafka: kafka
std: stdin,标准输入
random: 随机生成UUID,用于测试
elasticsearch:es API scroll query
- file: 文件
- kafka: kafka
- http: http, Post to a endpoint
- null: 类似于/dev/null,输出到空
- std: stdout,标准输出
- elasticsearch: es API
- tcp: tcp
- hdfs: hdfs
- influxdb: influxdb
- null,直接连接input,output
- addenter,在行尾加入换行符,例子:写文件
- grok,正则格式化成json格式,说明: ^(?P<命名>子表达式)$ 被捕获的组,该组被编号且被命名 (子匹配)"
- kv,string split 成json格式
install docker
download src code
git clone /~
cd transport
- build Docker image
docker build -t transport:0.0.3 .
- run with docker
docker run -p 12345:12345 transport:0.0.3 -f docker-test.json
- 下载
git clone /~
cd transport
- 编译
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./ build cmd/main.go
GOPATH init Finished. GOPATH=/data/golang:/data/golang/src
build transport success.
- 查看插件列表
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./transport -h
Usage of ./transport:
-f string
-l (list)查看插件列表和插件版本
-r (read)读取当前配置文件
-v (version)版本号
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./transport -l
[Inputs] version
random 0.0.1
std 0.0.1
exec 0.0.1
file 0.0.1
files 0.0.1
hdfs 0.0.1
http 0.0.1
kafka 0.0.1
kv 0.0.3
zhizilog 0.0.1
null 0.0.1
addenter 0.0.1
grok 0.0.1
inject 0.0.1_debug
elasticsearch 0.0.1
file 0.0.1
hdfs 0.0.1
kafka 0.0.1
null 0.0.1
std 0.0.1
tcp 0.0.1
- 查看当前配置文件是否可以加载成功
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./transport -f test/kafka-file.json -r
2017-09-14 15:11:59.955 [I] <file test/kafka-file.json is END:EOF>
config info:
offset: -1
addrs: ["","",""]
topics: ["zhizi-log"]
path: /tmp/tmp.log
- 运行
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./transport -f test/kafka-file.json
2017-09-14 15:13:22.107 [I] <file test/kafka-file.json is END:EOF>
2017-09-14 15:13:22.107 [I] Transport starting...
2017-09-14 15:13:22.107 [W] Starting loading performance data, please press CTRL+C exit...
HttpsServer Start
^C2017-09-14 15:13:31.526 [W] Get signal:interrupt, Profile File is
- 启动服务[加载config.json配置文件]
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./ start
GOPATH init Finished. GOPATH=/data/golang:/data/golang/src
transport started..., PID=22778
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ps -ef |grep -v grep |grep transport
root 22778 1 0 15:18 pts/0 00:00:00 ./transport -f config.json
- 查看服务状态
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./ status
GOPATH init Finished. GOPATH=/data/golang:/data/golang/src
root 22778 1 0 15:18 pts/0 00:00:00 ./transport -f config.json
transport now is running already, PID=22778
- 查看运行日志
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./ tail
GOPATH init Finished. GOPATH=/data/golang:/data/golang/src
2017-09-14 15:18:16.399 [D] [transport] [files] recv 2017-01-02 15:58:43 DEBUG This is a debug Test
2017-09-14 15:18:16.399 [D] [transport] [files] recv 44
2017-09-14 15:18:16.399 [D] [transport] send 44
- 停止服务
[root@iZm5egf7xb48axmu4z1t3fZ transport]# ./ stop
GOPATH init Finished. GOPATH=/data/golang:/data/golang/src
transport stoped...
- 优化性能
- 加入更多组件