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The perfect bash setup with installation. You can easily add your own files.

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The perfect setup

Homebrew & apps

1. Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

And follow the instructions to add homebrew to your profile.

2. Install apps via homebrew

Run brew bundle from within this directory to install all apps form the Brewfile.

brew bundle


Avoid having to force push for not setup branches

git config --global --add --bool push.autoSetupRemote true

Set VS Code as default editor for rebase

# general default editor
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
# default diff tool
git config --global diff.tool vscode
git config --global difftool.vscode.cmd 'code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE'
# default merge tool
git config --global merge.tool vscode
git config --global mergetool.vscode.cmd 'code --wait $MERGED'

To verify, run

 git config --global -e 

Zsh (pure)

This should all work automatically.

Pure is installed via homebrew with the Brewfile from this package. If you want to install it manually run brew install pure.

If you're not using ZSH from Homebrew (brew install zsh and $(brew --prefix)/bin/zsh), you must also add the site-functions to your fpath in $HOME/.zshrc:

fpath+=("$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions")

Once installed you must add the following line to ~/.zshrc. Replace Repos/mac-setup with the correct location on your machine.

source "$HOME/Repos/mac-setup/zsh/.zshrc"

Setup multiple git profiles

This allows you to automatically use different emails depending on the folder your repo is in.

touch ~/.gitconfig-personal ~/.gitconfig-work && code ~/.gitconfig-personal ~/.gitconfig-work

Now add the emails and settings to the files:

# ~/.gitconfig-work

    email =
    name = Lukas Opeprmann
# ~/.gitconfig-personal

    email =
    name = Lukas Opeprmann

Finally update the .gitconfig file:

code ~/.gitconfig-personal
# ~/.gitconfig
	autoSetupRemote = true # this should be here if you added it in the beginning, NOT required

[includeIf "gitdir:~/Repos/"] # your personal repo
    path = .gitconfig-personal
[includeIf "gitdir:~/WORK/"] # your work repo
    path = .gitconfig-work

Keyboard remapping

This allows me to write a , using the option + . (on the numpad).

Create file

mkdir ~/Library/KeyBindings && cd ~/Library/KeyBindings && touch DefaultKeyBinding.dict

Edit file

cd ~/Library/KeyBindings && code DefaultKeyBinding.dict

Paste into the file

  /* Ctrl + numpad . => , */
  "~#." = ("insertText:", ",");

Restart app to activate commands

More info:

Backup apps via homebrew

To create a bundle file run brew bundle dump. However casks are not added. It is better to edit the Brewfile by hand.

VS Code Font: Fira Code

Should be automatic thanks to homebrew installing the font and the synced vs code settings.

  1. Download and install variable font version: /~
  2. In VS Code cmd + , to open settings
  3. Search for Font Family and add 'Fira Code' in the Editor: Font Family filed
  4. Search for Ligatures and open the settings.json
  5. Make sure it says "editor.fontLigatures": true
  6. Restart VS Code and enjoy

Activate additional fonts

Mac OS Catalina comes with some high quality fonts that are not activated by default, an exhaustive list can be found on

To activate the fonts:

  • open the FontBook application
  • switch to “All Fonts”
  • Browse the font list, you will see many greyed out font families
  • this is because they were deactivated or they weren’t downloaded yet.
  • right-click on a font or font family that wasn’t downloaded yet, select the option to download the individual font or entire family

Great font families are:

Font families:

  • Canela from Commercial Type in 16 styles
  • Domaine Display from Klim Type Foundry in 6 styles
  • Founders Grotesk by Klim Type Foundry in 17 styles
  • Graphik by Commercial Type in 18 styles
  • Produkt by Commercial Type in 8 styles
  • Proxima Nova by Mark Simonson Studio in 12 styles
  • Publico by Commercial Type in 12 styles

Individual display fonts:

  • Sauber Script by TypeJockeys
  • Quotes Caps and Quotes Script by Sudtipos

Useful software

Topic Software
Design Adobe Suite, Figma, Contrast or Contraste, Sim Daltonism
Code Fig, Homebrew, VS Code
Productivity Google Drive, Notion, Spotify, 1Password, Magnet, Raycast


The perfect bash setup with installation. You can easily add your own files.






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