Using stow.
git clone --recursive /~
update submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you did not clone this repos in ~/dotfiles, use this to install files:
stow --target=$HOME <dir>
Don't forget to install "highlight" in order to have colorized output.
It could work with pygmentize too, with small modifications, but it is slower
Using zprezto. Install with stow first then read the instructions in order to install it.
require :
- vicious (awesome-extra for debian)
- lua-filesystem (run_once)
- acpi (for laptop, battery state)
- pavucontrol
- compton (dim unfocused windows)
- uses clementine-player for music, xscreensaver-command, thunar, firefox (with default and proxy profile), nm-applet, blueman-applet, redshift-gtk
In order to have the battery plugin, add a file "~/.laptop".
Don't forget to update submodules for extensions
Uses 'vlock'