Lost-And-Foundry-App is a project that makes use of BridgefySDK through its React Native interface.
The project consists of a emergency broadcasting app that send messages to all nearby devices that are running the application too.
This project was inspired by Gifted chat.
Head Over to the GiftedChat repo and be sure to star it.
In order to run the app you would need to cover the following requirements:
installed.- React Native minimum version
. - React version
- Clone this repository
git clone /~https://github.com/nimishbongale/Lost-And-Foundry-App.git
- Move to the root directory
- Install dependencies using
npm install
- Open App.js and replace the string
with your actual API Key. (You can get your own API Key at the bridgefy website)
Before running the application take in account the following considerations/previous steps for every platform.
Bridgefy SDK supports Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or higher and the following permission are required.
If you're targeting devices with Android 6.0 (API Level 23) or higher, either one of the following permissions is also required:
All this permissions are already added to the file AndroidManifest.xml
in the sample project.
Due to these required permissions, don't forget to grant access to location and bluetooth to the app in your device. ** The sample app won't show a dialog to request for it **, you will need to go to settings in your phone.
To build and run the app in your device use the following command inside the rooth directory:
react-native run-android
Note: Internet access is required during the first run in order to check for a valid license in our servers.
To run the project you will need the following steps:
- Go to the official Bridgefy iOS repository to download the last version of
. - Inside of the root directory of the sample project there is a directory
, move there and copy the downloaded framework (BFTransmitter.framewok
). - Inside the same directory launch the XCode project and you will be able to run the sample from there. The transmission capabilities are not supported by the simulator, so use a physical device.
Don't forget to activate the Bluetooth interface in your phone.
Note: Internet access is required during the first run in order to check for a valid license in our servers.