Installs Java for RedHat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu linux servers.
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.7 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install molecule molecule[lint] molecule[docker] docker docker-compose tox pytest
Available variables are listed below, along with default values:
# The defaults provided by this role are specific to each distribution.
- java-1.8.0-openjdk
Set the version/development kit of Java to install, along with any other necessary Java packages. Some other options include are included in the distribution-specific files in this role's 'defaults' folder.
java_home: ""
If set, the role will set the global environment variable JAVA_HOME
to this value.
- hosts: servers
- role: lordoftheflies.role_java
become: yes
For RHEL / CentOS:
- hosts: server
- role: lordoftheflies.role_java
when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'"
- java-1.8.0-openjdk
For Ubuntu < 16.04:
- hosts: server
- name: installing repo for Java 8 in Ubuntu
apt_repository: repo='ppa:openjdk-r/ppa'
- hosts: server
- role: lordoftheflies.role_java
when: "ansible_os_family == 'Debian'"
- openjdk-8-jdk
###> Setup for development
pre-commit install
It is highly recommend you enable setting for storing the venvs within your projects.
poetry config true
Install project dependencies.
poetry install
Activate the virtual environment.
source .venv/bin/activate
Run the package as a module.
python -m gitcommit
Deployment is handled automatically by Travis CI. It has been linked to the repository and is automatically watching for pushes to master. It will build and test every commit to master. It will also build every tagged commit as if it was a branch, and since its a tagged commit, will attempt to publish it to PyPI.
Don't forget to increment version number set in pyproject.toml. This can be done with poetry.
poetry version [patch|minor|major]
Tag the commit (by default applies to HEAD commit - make sure you are on the latest develop commit).
git tag v#.#.#
When pushing commits to remote, you must explicitly push tags too.
git push origin --tags