Welcome to the source repo for Logz.io Docs!
Our site is built on Jekyll.
Docs are continuously deployed to docs.logz.io from master
Please follow the Setup instructions so you can start.
Make all pull requests to the master
If you just want to submit a quick edit suggestion, you can open an issue.
Please preview your changes locally before submitting pull requests.
We need to reject any pull requests that include these changes:
- Changes to our OpenAPI file
- Changes to our config file
- Changes to another contributor's information
If you want to suggest a change or report an error in any of these files, please open an issue.
We might decline a pull request for another reason, but usually we just ask some follow-up questions and request small changes.
Please review the Logz.io Community Code of Conduct
If you haven't contributed to the Logz.io Docs before, follow these steps to get started.
Join GitHub if you don't already have an account.
Install dependencies:
macOS: Xcode
macOS: Xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
. -
macOS: Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
RVM with Ruby:
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
sudo gem install bundler
Node and npm: Check that they're installed (
node -v
,npm -v
). If not, download Node.js. (npm is installed as part of Node.js). -
Fork the logz-docs repository
Clone your fork and add logzio/logz-docs as your upstream repo:
git clone /~https://github.com/<your_github>/logz-docs.git cd logz-docs git remote add upstream /~https://github.com/logzio/logz-docs.git git fetch upstream
Install Jekyll and logz-docs dependencies:
sudo bundle install
,npm install
We use master
as the main branch.
Our site deploys every time we merge to master
For you, this means that you should create new branches and make your changes there. You should also regularly sync your fork with the upstream repo (logzio/logz-docs) so that we can merge your changes without any problems.
So the ideal process looks a little like this:
Sync ➜ New branch ➜ Changes ➜ Preview ➜ Push ➜ Pull request
Keeping your fork up to date allows us to easily merge your changes. This is a pretty simple process.
To sync your fork:
Open a terminal window and
into your logz-docs folder. -
Checkout your local
branch, pull the logzio/logz-docsmaster
branch, and push the updates to your fork:git checkout master git pull upstream master git push
Before submitting pull requests, preview your changes locally. This does a few things to help you catch mistakes:
- Seeing the formatted text, outside of a text editor and without all the markup, gives you a fresh look at your content.
- You can be sure that your Markdown is formatted correctly and converts to HTML just as you meant it to.
Please check your work for errors and readability.
To preview locally:
. -
Point your browser to http://localhost:4000/. (Don't worry about the ducks. They're just there to tell you this is a local preview and not on the web.)
We like to give contributors credit for their work, so go ahead and add yourself as a contributor in your first pull request.
To add yourself as a contributor:
Find the contributors folder on your machine at
. Add a new Markdown file, named<your-github-username>.md
So if your GitHub username is agrant, your file is namedagrant.md
. This is your identifier when you contribute to docs. -
Copy this YAML content to the file, and add your information. If something doesn't apply to you, delete the line that doesn't apply:
--- title: <your name> website: <your website url> linkedin: <your linkedin username> twitter: <your twitter handle> github: <your github username> ---
Don't add any other content to the file.
Save and commit.
Include this file in your first pull request. If you're authoring a file, add your identifier (GitHub username) to the
So if your username is chaostheory, you'll add- chaostheory
to the file'scontributors
Logz.io Docs use kramdown-flavored Markdown. Where possible, avoid HTML tags.
Some notes:
- Leave a blank line between text blocks.
- Indents are two spaces (not tabs). To nest blocks in a list, indent twice (four spaces). This keeps nested items from breaking a list.
- You can put Markdown formatting in an HTML container, but please preview your code locally to make sure nothing unexpected is happening with the HTML conversion.
`inline code`
<!-- For a link that opens in the same tab -->
[Link placeholder](https://url.com/)
<!-- For alink to open in a new tab -->
<a href="https://url.com/" target="_blank">Link placeholder</a>

* unordered list
* list item 2
* list item 3
<!-- This is Kramdown-specific and probably won't work with other Markdown flavors -->
Term 1
: Definition 1
Term 2
: Definition 2
| Table heading | Table heading 2 |
| Table body 1 | Table body 2 |
| Table body 3 | Table body 4 |
- Our template reserves
(h1) for page titles. - Use
(h2 and h3) for normal headings. - Use
(h4 through h6) are reserved for procedures.
- We don't have a strict style for procedures, except to make them as simple as possible.
- Avoid long procedures. If your procedure has more than 10 high-level steps, shorten it, or break it apart into multiple procedures.
#### Procedure title
**Before you begin, you'll need**:
A list of prerequisites,
Some of them with [links](#) to external docs,
If applicable
<!-- 👇 This gives the necessary CSS -->
<div class="tasklist">
##### Step 1 headline
Body text.
Keep it short.
##### Step 2 headline
You don't need to add numbers to the steps.
The CSS will take care of all that.
Include code blocks in fenced backticks...
...like this one
###### Parameters
☝ H6 are used for subheads within the procedure.
Parameter lists are always introduced with a subhead.
| Parameter | Description |
| param1 <span class="required-param"></span> | Include this span if parameter is required. Required params are always at the top of the list, with rare exception. |
| param2 <span class="default-param">`"default value"`</span> | If there's a default, include it here. <br> If you need a line break, hard code it. |
☝ Add `{:.paramlist}` to the end of parameter tables so they're formatted properly.
Use the `<br>` tag for a hard line break.
`.paramlist` tables must always be two columns.
Info boxes need to live in their own text blocks and are followed by a kramdown attribute string: {:.info-box.<kind_of_note>}
Info boxes come in these CSS classes: note
, tip
, important
, warning
, read
CSS handles the styling and adds a header.
Notes are generally non-actionable. They’re more important
than the surrounding text but less important than
warnings. Could something bad happen if the user ignores
this? If no, then it’s a note. Otherwise, it’s an important note.
Pro tips convey best practices and good actions to ensure success.
Think of these as more proactive than important notes.
Important notes
Important notes help the user work through common trip-up points.
If the user could cause damage by ignoring the important note,
consider a warning instead.
Use warnings when the user could cause damage that’s
difficult or impossible to recover from. If you need
something less severe than a warning, consider an important note
or a note.
Surround inline code samples with a single backtick: `code sample`
Jekyll supports syntax highlighting for code blocks if you say what the code actually is.
For example, for HTML:
<i class="fas fa-dove"></i>
For the Logz.io docs team: Here's a list of branch groups that we should use to clarify what we're working on.
- api
- shipping
- ui
- docs-tooling
- docs-misc
- integrations
We invite contributions to docs, and we maintain a list of contributors at the Logz.io Docs site.