This is my portfolio, where you can find little summery of my developer road. Also there are some of projects that i am using quite often
BTW: previous portfolio
- Code is under CC0 1.0
- Images and projects contents are under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Nuxt.js - 3-nd version, this is like a core of the website.
GSAP - for smoooooth transitions
OGL - background on landing page (Earlier was using Three.js - also really good tool, but decided to learn something new. Also you should definitely check out metaballs.js and particles.js)
LocomotiveScroll - this makes the page scroll really smoothly on PC
as backend
Nothing used as backend just added email forwarding to my domain provider
Clone or fork this repo
$ git clone /~
Install all the dependencies
$ yarn
$ npm install
Run the local server!
$ yarn dev
$ npm run dev