Releases: locoframework/loco-rails
Releases · locoframework/loco-rails
What's Changed
- Bump nokogiri from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 by @dependabot in #92
- [internal] update dev deps by @zbigh in #94
- Bump actionpack from to by @dependabot in #95
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #97
- Bump stylelint from 15.2.0 to 15.10.1 by @dependabot in #96
- Update puma requirement from ~> 6.1.1 to ~> 6.3.1 by @dependabot in #98
- Bump activesupport from to by @dependabot in #99
- Bump postcss from 8.4.25 to 8.4.31 by @dependabot in #100
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.21.2 to 7.23.2 by @dependabot in #101
- Update puma requirement from ~> 6.3.1 to ~> 6.4.2 by @dependabot in #102
- Bump nokogiri from 1.15.2 to 1.16.2 by @dependabot in #103
- [ver] 7.0.0.pre by @zbigh in #104
Full Changelog: v6.2.0...v7.0.0.pre
What's Changed
- Update puma requirement from ~> 5.5.2 to ~> 5.6.2 by @dependabot in #59
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #59
Full Changelog: v6.0.0...v6.1.0
[ver] 5.0.0 (#40) * changes * [internal] refactoring * [test] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [internal] refactoring * [test] * Rubocop: NewCops * [internal] remove unneeded line * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] closer WS to reality * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [internal] refactoring * [feature] Only Redis can be a storage * [internal] WsConnectionStorage - improve #get and #set * [test] * [test] * WsConnectionStorage#find * [internal] WsConnectionFinder * [internal] WsConnectionStorage#find scans hashes * [internal] find => scan * [test] * [internal] refactoring in progress * [test] fix * [internal] WsConnectionStorage#hlen * [test] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] WsConnectionStorage#del can delete hash's keys * [internal] no WsConnectedResourcesManager * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] changes for native Redis data types * [internal] * [internal] Sender accepts a hash with token * [internal] Sender accepts {'class' => SomeClass} * [internal] Broadcaster is in progress * [test] * [test] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [test] * [test] * [test] * [test] * [internal] Fix Hub#connected_uuids * [internal] change PREFIX for Hub * [test] refactoring * [test] refactoring * [internal] change Redis keys * [fix] * [fix] 2 errors have left * [internal] refactoring * All tests pass * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] Refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * A different Redis structure (#38) * [test] * [test] * [internal] refactoring * [test] refactoring * [internal] support for Redis sets is in progress * [test] refactoring * [internal] add new methods to WsConnectionStorage * a different Redis structure * [internal] refactoring * [feature] a different API for Hubs * [feature] Hub.set * [internal] WsConnectionFinder can find Hub's connections * [test] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [internal] refactoring * [test] * [test] silence warnings * [test] refactoring * [test] * [internal] CleanerJob * [test] * [internal] WsConnectionCleaner * [internal] check connection in the main thread * [internal] .call() => .() * [internal] refactoring * [test] add links to user & admin panels * [internal] refactoring * [feature][test] don't establish ws connection if not signed in * [feature] emit with payload: or data: * [internal] send idempotency key always * [test] remove unneeded code * [test] refactoring * [internal] don't use SenderJob if a 'simple' recipient * [test][dummy] update loco config * [test][dummy][frontend] refactor a config * [test][dummy][frontend] models in config * [test][dummy][frontend] controllers in config * [test][dummy][frontnend] App controller * [test][dummy][frontend] refactoring * [test][dummy][frontend] no Object.assign * [test] * [internal] ping pong * [internal] no CleanerJob * [internal] send to a given UUID once * [test] * [internal] no source-maps-fixer * [test] * [ver][test][doc] * [doc] README * [test] update front-end deps * [doc] README
the size of gem has been greatly reduced thanks to /~