Game Boy CPU (Sharp LR35902) instruction set (opcodes)
The opcodes.json contains a JSON representation of the complete Sharp LR35902 instruction set. Inside the bin
folder you will find the script used to generate the opcodes.json
file from the site.
The opcodes.json file includes some minor fixes in the opcode length and timings not present on the site.
"unprefixed": {
"0xc0": { <-- Address
"mnemonic": "SET", <-- Instruction mnemonic
"length": 2, <-- Length in bytes
"cycles": [ <-- Duration in cycles
"flags": [ <-- Flags affected
"-", <-- Z - Zero Flag
"-", <-- N - Subtract Flag
"-", <-- H - Half Carry Flag
"-" <-- C - Carry Flag
"addr": "0xc0", <-- Address
"group": "control/misc" <-- Opcode group
"operand1": "0", <-- Operand 1
"operand2": "B" <-- Operand 2
Operation group table:
op group | description |
x8/lsm | 8-bit Load/Store/Move |
x16/lsm | 16-bit Load/Store/Move |
x8/alu | 8-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit |
x16/alu | 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit |
x8/rsb | 8-bit ??? |
control/br | branch |
control/misc | misc |
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The code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.