A Python package that generates a metronome track from Guitar Pro files.
Extracts tempo information from Guitar Pro (
) files. -
Generates a WAV file containing metronome clicks.
Supports variable tempo changes throughout the piece.
Supports tempo changes in the middle of a bar.
You can install the package directly from PyPI using pip
pip install metronome_extractor
from metronome_extractor import create_metronome_track, save_as_wav
input_file = "input.gp"
output_file = "output.wav"
tempos, total_bars = parse_tempo_changes(extract_gpif(input_file))
metronome_audio = create_metronome_track(tempos, bars=total_bars)
save_as_wav(output_file, metronome_audio)
metronome_extractor input.gp output.wav
Extracts the score.gpif file from the Guitar Pro file (XML format).
Parses the XML to find tempo changes and their positions.
Generates click sounds at appropriate intervals.
Creates a WAV file with the metronome track.
Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Audio format: 16-bit mono WAV
Click duration: 0.02 seconds
Click frequency: 1000 Hz
Default time signature: 4/4 (four beats per bar)
Customizable click sounds
- Allow users to select custom sound sources for metronome clicks.
- Support different sounds for the first beat of each bar (accent beat).
Extended format support
- Add support for
export. - Add compatibility with legacy Guitar Pro formats (
). - Implement broader Guitar Pro version compatibility.
- Add support for
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests! Contributions are welcome.
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
Submit a pull request.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.