Geo-index based social network backend using Golang
Frontend implementation uses React, please see here.
- Web services in Golang to handle posts, seardh and user login, logout are deployed to Google App Engine(GAE flex).
- ElasticSearch in GCE provide storage and geo-location based search for user nearby posts within a distance.
- Use Google Dataflow to dump posts from BigTable to BigQuery for offline analysis
- Use Google Cloud Storage(GCS) to store post image.
- Use OAuth 2.0 to support token based authentication.
- Use Redis(lazy-loading) to improve read performance with a little data consistency sacrifice.
- /signup
- save to elasticSearch.
- /login
- check login credential in elasticSearch, if correct return token
- /search - search nearby posts.
- have token-based authentication first.
- search in redis cache, if not found then search elasticSearch(lazy-loading).
- use
"type" : "geo_point"
to map (lat, lon) to geo_point, ES will use geo-indexing to search(KD tree) nearby posts.
- /post
- save post image in GCS.
- save post info in ElasticSearch, bigTable(optional).
ElasticSearch(save user and post infos)
- user info example
{ "_index" : "around", "_type" : "user", "_id" : "jack", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "username" : "jack", "password" : "jack" } }
- post info example
{ "_index" : "around", "_type" : "post", "_id" : "b2c32515-c07d-4154-b2b1-6c7ab5e06d42", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "user" : "jack", "message" : "Nice star!", "location" : { "lat" : 44.70415541365263, "lon" : -78.12385288120937 }, "url" : "" } }
Google Cloud Storage
- elasticserach saves image url, GCS store real image file.
- redis can be simply regarded as key-value store
- key: lat:lon:range, range is redius based on (lat,lon) as circle center.
- value: post info
- redis can be simply regarded as key-value store
BigTable, BigQuery
- we can save posts data to BigTable, use Dataflow to pass posts from BigTable to BigQuery for data analysis. See DataFlow code here.
- Several cases can be done in BigQuery:
- get number of posts per user id -- base to detect spam user.
- find all messages in LA(lat range [33, 34], lon range [-118, -117]) -- base for geo-based filter.
- find all message with spam words
- routing and auth
- Here use
for routing anddgrijalva/jwt-go
for JWT(JSON Web Token) token based authentication, useful doc.
- Here use
- redis cache
- adopt lazy-loading(load DB after a cache miss) pattern.
- 30MB RAM, 30 connections for free.
- Sample code