This is the execution code for TOPLD API.
git clone /~
cd topld_api
./topld_api -thres 0.8 -pop AFR -maf 0.01 -inFile input.txt -outputLD outputLD.txt -outputInfo outputInfo.txt
-inFile string
The file path of query markers. Seperated by \n. Default=input.txt (default "input.txt")
-maf string
The minimum value for minor allele frequency for query and LD proxy. Default=0.01. (default "0.01")
-outputInfo string
The file path of output file for query info. Default=outputInfo.txt (default "outputInfo.txt")
-outputLD string
The file path of output file for LD. Default = outputLD.txt (default "outputLD.txt")
-pop string
Population for SNP in LD. You can input on of 4 populations (AFR, SAS, EAS, and EUR). Default=AFR. (default "AFR")
-thres string
R2 threshold. Default=0.8. (default "0.8")