A Compiler Front-End based on C++
Dominque is a complete compiler front-end developed in C++ that generates three-address intermediate codes. The project is developed based on the complete front-end compiler in Java from the Dragon Book, in current version, the source program consists of syntax tree, with constructors and nodes as objects. These objects deal with all of the following: construct a syntax-tree, check types, and generate three-address intermediate code.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
LLVM can be installed with the HomeBrew.
brew install llvm
# Finds llvm information installed from brew
brew info llvm
# Exports LLVM_DIR that allow cmake to find the LLVM
# For example, command below exports LLVM_DIR in the zsh shell
echo 'export LLVM_DR=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/10.0.1' >> $HOME/.zshrc
First we need to check out the git repo:
cd ${insert your workspace folder here}
git clone /~https://github.com/lingbozhang/dominique
# Initializes and updates git submodule
cd dominique
git submodule init
git submodule update
Now we should be in the project's top level folder.
rm -rf build/manual && mkdir -p build/manual
cd build/manual
cmake ../.. && make
After the binary is built, run the program and feed the codes you want Dominique to parse
- Example 1:
./dominique "{int h; float i; bool j; h=1; i=2.0; j=true;}"
Expected result:
Program Name Is: ./src/dominiqueInput Codes:
{int h; float i; bool j; h=1; i=2.0; j=true;}
Generated three-address intermediate code:
L1: h = 1
L3: i = 2.000000
L4: j = true
- Example 2
./src/dominique "{int h; h = 10; if (h >= 5) { h = 5; }}"
Expected result:
Program Name Is: ./src/dominiqueInput Codes:
{int h; h = 10; if (h >= 5) { h = 5; }}
Generated three-address intermediate code:
L1: h = 10
L3: iffalse h >= 5 goto L4
h = 5
- Example 3
./src/dominique "{int[100] a; a[1] = 10; while(a[1] != 5) { if(a[1] != 5) break; a[1] = 5; }}"
Expected result:
Program Name Is: ./src/dominiqueInput Codes:
{int[100] a; a[1] = 10; while(a[1] != 5) { if(a[1] != 5) break; a[1] = 5; }}
Generated three-address intermediate code:
L1: t1 = 1 * 4
a [ t1 ] = 10
L3: t2 = 1 * 4
t3 = a [ t2 ]
iffalse t3 != 5 goto L4
L5: t4 = 1 * 4
t5 = a [ t4 ]
iffalse t5 != 5 goto L6
goto L4
L6: t6 = 1 * 4
a [ t6 ] = 5
L8: goto L3
After successfully build the project in build/manual, tests can be triggered running the command shown below:
$ ctest