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Laravel wrapper to use Lightship PHP.



Lightship is a way to get web page audits without using a headless browser.

This package just a wrapper around the PHP implementation of Lightship (/~


  • Provides a Facade to easily use Lightship PHP


On your terminal, install the package:

composer require --dev lightship-core/lightship-laravel


1. Using the facade

In this example, we will generate an array report using the Laravel facade.

namespace App\Controllers;

use Lightship\Facades\Lightship;

class HomeController extends Controller
  public function index()
    $report = Lightship::route("")

    return view("home.index", [
      "report" => $report,

2. Using the comand

In this example, we will call Lightship from the command.

php artisan lightship:run --url

You can also pass a route name.

php artisan lightship:run --route home.index

You can even pass multiple routes.

php artisan lightship:run --route home.index --route contact-us.index

And you can mix both.

php artisan lightship:run --route home.index --route contact-us.index --url --url

Since the command do not support passing query strings, you can do it by creating your own command and call this one.

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
  protected $signature = 'my-command:run';

  protected $description = 'Scan my routes.';

  public function handle()
    $this->call("lightship:run", [
      "--url" => [
        route("home.index", ["lang" => "en"]),
        route("contact-us.index", ["theme" => "dark"]),

3. Show failed/passed rules when using the command

By default, the command does not show the failed/passed rules of each URLs to save some space. If you want to show the detail, use the --detailed option.

php artisan lightship:run --route home.index --detailed

Or by calling Artisan::call:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;

// ...

Artisan::call("lightship:run", [
  "--route" => "home.index",
  "--detailed" => true,


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