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@tommyettinger tommyettinger released this 17 Oct 05:17
· 77 commits to master since this release

NOTE: Due to antivirus issues with LWJGL 3.3.4, which can be used by libGDX 1.13.0, this release ( is preferred for now (it doesn't use LWJGL 3.3.4). See this issue for more details. New 1.12.1.x releases may be coming out soon if we can resolve that 1.12.1 is fully unaffected.

This is the last release of the 1.12.1 line, but for a happy reason: libGDX 1.13.0 was just released! 🎉 This version finishes up any of the small improvements that were being processed for the next release, and shoves them on out the door. These improvements include:

  • Gradle 8.10.2 is less glitchy than 8.10.1, so it doesn't need the mitigation that 8.10.1 needed. It turns out that, for me at least, the mitigation (disabling the Gradle daemon) actually improves startup time a lot on all Gradle versions, so I'm cautiously leaving that disabled as the default. You can change false to true on the first line of, if you want, and see if you notice a difference after a while.
  • Gradle tasks can be added and will run now! This adds a little to project generation time if you have Gradle tasks, but will show immediately if there's something wrong with the Gradle configuration. There currently isn't a way to remove Gradle tasks added to the list, so hopefully a version soon will be able to address that.
  • Because Gradle tasks work again, MOE works again! It needed the Gradle tasks to properly complete its project creation, and now they seem to just work.
  • Construo should work in projects that have GWT, Android, or iOS (RoboVM or MOE) modules now, because platform-specific plugins are now added in the appropriate platforms and not the root Gradle file. There were problems before from other platforms being initialized when Construo only wanted to have LWJGL3 initialized, since that's where it works.
  • Useful PRs by @damcaoson , @FelixDes and @henu improve the user experience and project correctness in a variety of ways.

This release does not include a Construo native build for MacOS, because after thinking about it and rereading the lengthy steps required to get any downloaded .app to work on recent macOS, I think users should really just download the .jar and run that with their own JDK. The .jar file is a smaller download, it doesn't need to have any quarantine bit removed (that I know of), and the steps to run a native .app that hasn't gone through notarizing and all that seem like way too much work for everyone. You can also use the .jar on other platforms if you have a JDK installed! The same file! Imagine that!

Well, so long, 1.12.1; you were a good and solid release! And hello, 1.13.0, we have high hopes for you!