This is a quick arduino project that I did since I wanted media buttons while also using a keyboard without them.
Files are provided here for a 3D printed case. Please contact me if you need the full Fusion 360 models; it didn't want to export the geometry in external files for the keypad, for example.
It requires Nico Hood's HID library.
It should run on pretty much any arduino model, but I've only tested on a Leonardo, since that was what I had.
Keymap (I use Google Play Music Desktop Player):
1, 2, 3 :: unused
4, 5, 6 :: Ctrl-F22,23,24 (bound to dislike, notify current track, like)
7, 8, 9 :: Volume down, mute, up
*, 0, # :: Prev track, pause, next track
- 4x M3x10 or shorter
- 4x M2.5x6 (4mm ones will likely work as well)
- 4x M3x6 or shorter (I cut down mine from 15mm to 5mm)
- Arduino Leonardo
- SparkFun COM-08653 (obsolete, change rowPins and colPins for the new one to work)