Lightweight and Optimized ArmorStand Command parser and model spawner/manager for SpigotMC Minecraft server software.
Supports models generated from version 1.12 only. However, I see no reason why it would be tied to any specific Minecraft version. The limitation is with the mrgarretto command string & materials parser and and not with Spigot versions.
Important Note: When using the website - The following limitations apply:
- You may and only use "Medium" or "Large" pieces. That means NO part can be "Small" or "Solid" otherwise it will break.
- The command must be generated using the "Single" option.
- When loading from a config, ensure the command is on the same line and encapsulated in ' '
- Models must be centered on the website before being generated. Otherwise they will not spawn in centered.
- Ability to parse model creation commands (that normally go into command blocks) from v1.12
- Model rotation around central position
- Highly Optimised:
- Render distance to remove un-needed ArmorStands
- Animation distance to only display animations when a player is near-by
- Player being within Render or Animation distance is updated asynchronous
- Custom Model Interaction event
Add this repository to you pom.xml:
Finally add this dependency:
Massive thanks to Spigot user RandomHashTags for the amazing resource Universal Material