Julia package for designing quantum gates via quantum optimal control using high-order Hermite methods.
may be installed using the following commands:
julia> ]
pkg> add /~https://github.com/leespen1/QuantumGateDesign.jl.git
The basic workflow consists of the steps
- Set up a
, which determines the Hamiltonian of the system, as well as some other properties involved in the numerical simulation of Schrodinger's equation. - Set up the controls, which determine the basis used for controlling the pulse amplitudes used manipulate the quantum system.
- Set up the target matrix which defines the target gate to be implemented by this package.
- Choose an initial guess for the control vector.
- Optimize the control vector by calling
For a more detailed understanding, please read the documentation.
QuantumGateDesign.jl is still in an early stage of development, so there are bound to be bugs, and the API is subject to change in the future. If you have any bug reports, feature suggestions, or questions about how this package works, please contact Spencer Lee at leespen1@msu.edu.