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feat: improved calc error messages (#5719)
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Makes the error messages report on RHSs and LHSs that do not match the
expected values when the relations are defeq. If the relations are not
defeq, the error message now no longer mentions the value of the whole
`calc` expression.

Adds a field to `mkCoe` with an optional callback to use to generate
error messages.

Note: it is tempting to try to make use of expected types when
elaborating the `calc` expression, but this runs into issue #2073.

Closes #4318
  • Loading branch information
kmill authored Oct 28, 2024
1 parent c57d054 commit 19bebfc
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Showing 6 changed files with 264 additions and 66 deletions.
103 changes: 75 additions & 28 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Calc.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ namespace Lean.Elab.Term
open Meta

Decompose `e` into `(r, a, b)`.
Decompose `e` into `(r, a, b)`.
Remark: it assumes the last two arguments are explicit. -/
def getCalcRelation? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option (Expr × Expr × Expr)) :=
Remark: it assumes the last two arguments are explicit.
def getCalcRelation? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option (Expr × Expr × Expr)) := do
if e.getAppNumArgs < 2 then
return none
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,56 +69,102 @@ where
| .node i k as => return .node i k (← as.mapM go)
| _ => set false; return t

def getCalcFirstStep (step0 : TSyntax ``calcFirstStep) : TermElabM (TSyntax ``calcStep) :=
/-- View of a `calcStep`. -/
structure CalcStepView where
ref : Syntax
/-- A relation term like `a ≤ b` -/
term : Term
/-- A proof of `term` -/
proof : Term
deriving Inhabited

def mkCalcFirstStepView (step0 : TSyntax ``calcFirstStep) : TermElabM CalcStepView :=
withRef step0 do
match step0 with
| `(calcFirstStep| $term:term) =>
`(calcStep| $term = _ := rfl)
| `(calcFirstStep| $term := $proof) =>
`(calcStep| $term := $proof)
| `(calcFirstStep| $term:term) => return { ref := step0, term := ← `($term = _), proof := ← ``(rfl)}
| `(calcFirstStep| $term := $proof) => return { ref := step0, term, proof}
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

def getCalcSteps (steps : TSyntax ``calcSteps) : TermElabM (Array (TSyntax ``calcStep)) :=
def mkCalcStepViews (steps : TSyntax ``calcSteps) : TermElabM (Array CalcStepView) :=
match steps with
| `(calcSteps|
$rest*) => do
let step0 ← getCalcFirstStep step0
pure (#[step0] ++ rest)
| _ => unreachable!
let mut steps := #[← mkCalcFirstStepView step0]
for step in rest do
let `(calcStep| $term := $proof) := step | throwUnsupportedSyntax
steps := steps.push { ref := step, term, proof }
return steps
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

def elabCalcSteps (steps : TSyntax ``calcSteps) : TermElabM Expr := do
def elabCalcSteps (steps : Array CalcStepView) : TermElabM (Expr × Expr) := do
let mut result? := none
let mut prevRhs? := none
for step in ← getCalcSteps steps do
let `(calcStep| $pred := $proofTerm) := step | unreachable!
for step in steps do
let type ← elabType <| ← do
if let some prevRhs := prevRhs? then
annotateFirstHoleWithType pred (← inferType prevRhs)
annotateFirstHoleWithType step.term (← inferType prevRhs)
pure pred
pure step.term
let some (_, lhs, rhs) ← getCalcRelation? type |
throwErrorAt pred "invalid 'calc' step, relation expected{indentExpr type}"
throwErrorAt step.term "invalid 'calc' step, relation expected{indentExpr type}"
if let some prevRhs := prevRhs? then
unless (← isDefEqGuarded lhs prevRhs) do
throwErrorAt pred "invalid 'calc' step, left-hand-side is{indentD m!"{lhs} : {← inferType lhs}"}\nprevious right-hand-side is{indentD m!"{prevRhs} : {← inferType prevRhs}"}" -- "
let proof ← withFreshMacroScope do elabTermEnsuringType proofTerm type
throwErrorAt step.term "\
invalid 'calc' step, left-hand side is{indentD m!"{lhs} : {← inferType lhs}"}\n\
but previous right-hand side is{indentD m!"{prevRhs} : {← inferType prevRhs}"}"
let proof ← withFreshMacroScope do elabTermEnsuringType step.proof type
result? := some <| ← do
if let some (result, resultType) := result? then
withRef pred do mkCalcTrans result resultType proof type
withRef step.term do mkCalcTrans result resultType proof type
pure (proof, type)
prevRhs? := rhs
return result?.get!.1
return result?.get!

def throwCalcFailure (steps : Array CalcStepView) (expectedType result : Expr) : MetaM α := do
let resultType := (← instantiateMVars (← inferType result)).headBeta
let some (r, lhs, rhs) ← getCalcRelation? resultType | unreachable!
if let some (er, elhs, erhs) ← getCalcRelation? expectedType then
if ← isDefEqGuarded r er then
let mut failed := false
unless ← isDefEqGuarded lhs elhs do
logErrorAt steps[0]!.term m!"\
invalid 'calc' step, left-hand side is{indentD m!"{lhs} : {← inferType lhs}"}\n\
but is expected to be{indentD m!"{elhs} : {← inferType elhs}"}"
failed := true
unless ← isDefEqGuarded rhs erhs do
logErrorAt steps.back.term m!"\
invalid 'calc' step, right-hand side is{indentD m!"{rhs} : {← inferType rhs}"}\n\
but is expected to be{indentD m!"{erhs} : {← inferType erhs}"}"
failed := true
if failed then
throwTypeMismatchError "'calc' expression" expectedType resultType result

Warning! It is *very* tempting to try to improve `calc` so that it makes use of the expected type
to unify with the LHS and RHS.
Two people have already re-implemented `elabCalcSteps` trying to do so and then reverted the changes,
not being aware of examples like /~
The problem is that the expected type might need to be unfolded to get an accurate LHS and RHS.
(Consider `≤` vs `≥`. Users expect to be able to use `calc` to prove `≥` using chained `≤`!)
Furthermore, the types of the LHS and RHS do not need to be the same (consider `x ∈ S` as a relation),
so we also cannot use the expected LHS and RHS as type hints.

/-- Elaborator for the `calc` term mode variant. -/
@[builtin_term_elab Lean.calc]
def elabCalc : TermElab := fun stx expectedType? => do
let steps : TSyntax ``calcSteps := ⟨stx[1]⟩
let result ← elabCalcSteps steps
let result ← ensureHasType expectedType? result
return result
def elabCalc : TermElab
| `(calc%$tk $steps:calcSteps), expectedType? => withRef tk do
let steps ← mkCalcStepViews steps
let (result, _) ← elabCalcSteps steps
ensureHasTypeWithErrorMsgs expectedType? result
(mkImmedErrorMsg := fun _ => throwCalcFailure steps)
(mkErrorMsg := fun _ => throwCalcFailure steps)
| _, _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

end Lean.Elab.Term
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/Lean/Elab/SyntheticMVars.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ def reportStuckSyntheticMVar (mvarId : MVarId) (ignoreStuckTC := false) : TermEl
let mvarDecl ← getMVarDecl mvarId
unless (← MonadLog.hasErrors) do
throwError "typeclass instance problem is stuck, it is often due to metavariables{indentExpr mvarDecl.type}{extraErrorMsg}"
| .coe header expectedType e f? =>
| .coe header expectedType e f? mkErrorMsg? =>
mvarId.withContext do
throwTypeMismatchError header expectedType (← inferType e) e f?
m!"failed to create type class instance for{indentExpr (← getMVarDecl mvarId).type}"
if let some mkErrorMsg := mkErrorMsg? then
throwError (← mkErrorMsg mvarId expectedType e)
throwTypeMismatchError header expectedType (← inferType e) e f?
m!"failed to create type class instance for{indentExpr (← getMVarDecl mvarId).type}"
| _ => unreachable! -- TODO handle other cases.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,7 +389,7 @@ mutual
withRef mvarSyntheticDecl.stx do
match mvarSyntheticDecl.kind with
| .typeClass extraErrorMsg? => synthesizePendingInstMVar mvarId extraErrorMsg?
| .coe _header? expectedType e _f? => mvarId.withContext do
| .coe _header? expectedType e _f? _ => mvarId.withContext do
if (← withDefault do isDefEq (← inferType e) expectedType) then
-- Types may be defeq now due to mvar assignments, type class
-- defaulting, etc.
Expand Down
53 changes: 33 additions & 20 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Calc.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,25 +12,38 @@ open Meta

/-- Elaborator for the `calc` tactic mode variant. -/
@[builtin_tactic Lean.calcTactic]
def evalCalc : Tactic := fun stx => withMainContext do
let steps : TSyntax ``calcSteps := ⟨stx[1]⟩
let target := (← getMainTarget).consumeMData
let tag ← getMainTag
let (val, mvarIds) ← withCollectingNewGoalsFrom (parentTag := tag) (tagSuffix := `calc) do
runTermElab do
let mut val ← Term.elabCalcSteps steps
let mut valType ← instantiateMVars (← inferType val)
unless (← isDefEq valType target) do
let rec throwFailed :=
throwError "'calc' tactic failed, has type{indentExpr valType}\nbut it is expected to have type{indentExpr target}"
let some (_, _, rhs) ← Term.getCalcRelation? valType | throwFailed
let some (r, _, rhs') ← Term.getCalcRelation? target | throwFailed
let lastStep := mkApp2 r rhs rhs'
let lastStepGoal ← mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar lastStep (tag := tag ++ `calc.step)
(val, valType) ← Term.mkCalcTrans val valType lastStepGoal lastStep
unless (← isDefEq valType target) do throwFailed
return val
(← getMainGoal).assign val
replaceMainGoal mvarIds
def evalCalc : Tactic
| `(tactic| calc%$tk $steps:calcSteps) =>
withRef tk do
closeMainGoalUsing `calc (checkNewUnassigned := false) fun target tag => do
withTacticInfoContext steps do
let steps ← Term.mkCalcStepViews steps
let target := (← instantiateMVars target).consumeMData
let (val, mvarIds) ← withCollectingNewGoalsFrom (parentTag := tag) (tagSuffix := `calc) <| runTermElab do
let (val, valType) ← Term.elabCalcSteps steps
if (← isDefEq valType target) then
-- Immediately the right type, no need for further processing.
return val

let some (_, lhs, rhs) ← Term.getCalcRelation? valType | unreachable!
if let some (er, elhs, erhs) ← Term.getCalcRelation? target then
-- Feature: if the goal is `x ~ y`, try extending the `calc` with `_ ~ y` with a new "last step" goal.
if ← isDefEq lhs elhs <&&> isDefEq (← inferType rhs) (← inferType elhs) then
let lastStep := mkApp2 er rhs erhs
let lastStepGoal ← mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar lastStep (tag := tag ++ `calc.step)
let (val', valType') ← Term.mkCalcTrans val valType lastStepGoal lastStep
if (← isDefEq valType' target) then
return val'
catch _ =>
pure ()

-- Calc extension failed, so let's go back and mimick the `calc` expression
Term.ensureHasTypeWithErrorMsgs target val
(mkImmedErrorMsg := fun _ => Term.throwCalcFailure steps)
(mkErrorMsg := fun _ => Term.throwCalcFailure steps)
pushGoals mvarIds
return val
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

end Lean.Elab.Tactic
50 changes: 40 additions & 10 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Term.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,11 +46,17 @@ inductive SyntheticMVarKind where
regarding type class synthesis failure.
| typeClass (extraErrorMsg? : Option MessageData)
/-- Use coercion to synthesize value for the metavariable.
if `f?` is `some f`, we produce an application type mismatch error message.
Otherwise, if `header?` is `some header`, we generate the error `(header ++ "has type" ++ eType ++ "but it is expected to have type" ++ expectedType)`
Otherwise, we generate the error `("type mismatch" ++ e ++ "has type" ++ eType ++ "but it is expected to have type" ++ expectedType)` -/
Use coercion to synthesize value for the metavariable.
If synthesis fails, then throws an error.
- If `mkErrorMsg?` is provided, then the error `mkErrorMsg expectedType e` is thrown.
The `mkErrorMsg` function is allowed to throw an error itself.
- Otherwise, throws a default type mismatch error message.
If `header?` is not provided, the default header is "type mismatch".
If `f?` is provided, then throws an application type mismatch error.
| coe (header? : Option String) (expectedType : Expr) (e : Expr) (f? : Option Expr)
(mkErrorMsg? : Option (MVarId → Expr → Expr → MetaM MessageData))
/-- Use tactic to synthesize value for metavariable. -/
| tactic (tacticCode : Syntax) (ctx : SavedContext) (kind : TacticMVarKind)
/-- Metavariable represents a hole whose elaboration has been postponed. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -949,14 +955,14 @@ def applyAttributesAt (declName : Name) (attrs : Array Attribute) (applicationTi
def applyAttributes (declName : Name) (attrs : Array Attribute) : TermElabM Unit :=
applyAttributesCore declName attrs none

def mkTypeMismatchError (header? : Option MessageData) (e : Expr) (eType : Expr) (expectedType : Expr) : TermElabM MessageData := do
def mkTypeMismatchError (header? : Option MessageData) (e : Expr) (eType : Expr) (expectedType : Expr) : MetaM MessageData := do
let header : MessageData := match header? with
| some header => m!"{header} "
| none => m!"type mismatch{indentExpr e}\n"
return m!"{header}{← mkHasTypeButIsExpectedMsg eType expectedType}"

def throwTypeMismatchError (header? : Option MessageData) (expectedType : Expr) (eType : Expr) (e : Expr)
(f? : Option Expr := none) (_extraMsg? : Option MessageData := none) : TermElabM α := do
(f? : Option Expr := none) (_extraMsg? : Option MessageData := none) : MetaM α := do
We ignore `extraMsg?` for now. In all our tests, it contained no useful information. It was
always of the form:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1073,7 +1079,9 @@ def synthesizeInstMVarCore (instMVar : MVarId) (maxResultSize? : Option Nat := n
throwError "failed to synthesize{indentExpr type}{extraErrorMsg}{useDiagnosticMsg}"

def mkCoe (expectedType : Expr) (e : Expr) (f? : Option Expr := none) (errorMsgHeader? : Option String := none) : TermElabM Expr := do
def mkCoe (expectedType : Expr) (e : Expr) (f? : Option Expr := none) (errorMsgHeader? : Option String := none)
(mkErrorMsg? : Option (MVarId → (expectedType e : Expr) → MetaM MessageData) := none)
(mkImmedErrorMsg? : Option ((errorMsg? : Option MessageData) → (expectedType e : Expr) → MetaM MessageData) := none) : TermElabM Expr := do
withTraceNode `Elab.coe (fun _ => return m!"adding coercion for {e} : {← inferType e} =?= {expectedType}") do
withoutMacroStackAtErr do
Expand All @@ -1082,11 +1090,24 @@ def mkCoe (expectedType : Expr) (e : Expr) (f? : Option Expr := none) (errorMsgH
| .none => failure
| .undef =>
let mvarAux ← mkFreshExprMVar expectedType MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque
registerSyntheticMVarWithCurrRef mvarAux.mvarId! (.coe errorMsgHeader? expectedType e f?)
registerSyntheticMVarWithCurrRef mvarAux.mvarId! (.coe errorMsgHeader? expectedType e f? mkErrorMsg?)
return mvarAux
| .error _ msg => throwTypeMismatchError errorMsgHeader? expectedType (← inferType e) e f? msg
| _ => throwTypeMismatchError errorMsgHeader? expectedType (← inferType e) e f?
| .error _ msg =>
if let some mkImmedErrorMsg := mkImmedErrorMsg? then
throwError (← mkImmedErrorMsg msg expectedType e)
throwTypeMismatchError errorMsgHeader? expectedType (← inferType e) e f? msg
| _ =>
if let some mkImmedErrorMsg := mkImmedErrorMsg? then
throwError (← mkImmedErrorMsg none expectedType e)
throwTypeMismatchError errorMsgHeader? expectedType (← inferType e) e f?

def mkCoeWithErrorMsgs (expectedType : Expr) (e : Expr)
(mkImmedErrorMsg : (errorMsg? : Option MessageData) → (expectedType e : Expr) → MetaM MessageData)
(mkErrorMsg : MVarId → (expectedType e : Expr) → MetaM MessageData) : TermElabM Expr := do
mkCoe expectedType e (mkImmedErrorMsg? := mkImmedErrorMsg) (mkErrorMsg? := mkErrorMsg)

If `expectedType?` is `some t`, then ensures `t` and `eType` are definitionally equal by inserting a coercion if necessary.
Expand All @@ -1101,6 +1122,15 @@ def ensureHasType (expectedType? : Option Expr) (e : Expr)
mkCoe expectedType e f? errorMsgHeader?

def ensureHasTypeWithErrorMsgs (expectedType? : Option Expr) (e : Expr)
(mkImmedErrorMsg : (errorMsg? : Option MessageData) → (expectedType e : Expr) → MetaM MessageData)
(mkErrorMsg : MVarId → (expectedType e : Expr) → MetaM MessageData) : TermElabM Expr := do
let some expectedType := expectedType? | return e
if (← isDefEq (← inferType e) expectedType) then
return e
mkCoeWithErrorMsgs expectedType e mkImmedErrorMsg mkErrorMsg

Create a synthetic sorry for the given expected type. If `expectedType? = none`, then a fresh
metavariable is created to represent the type.
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/lean/calcErrors.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ has type
b + b = b + b : Prop
but is expected to have type
b + b = 0 + c + b : Prop
calcErrors.lean:13:8-13:29: error: invalid 'calc' step, left-hand-side is
calcErrors.lean:13:8-13:29: error: invalid 'calc' step, left-hand side is
0 + c + b : Nat
previous right-hand-side is
but previous right-hand side is
b + b : Nat
calcErrors.lean:24:8-24:11: error: invalid 'calc' step, relation expected
p a
calcErrors.lean:31:8-31:13: error: invalid 'calc' step, failed to synthesize `Trans` instance
Trans p p ?m
Additional diagnostic information may be available using the `set_option diagnostics true` command.
calcErrors.lean:41:7-41:12: error: invalid 'calc' step, left-hand-side is
calcErrors.lean:41:7-41:12: error: invalid 'calc' step, left-hand side is
γ : Sort u_1
previous right-hand-side is
but previous right-hand side is
b : β
calcErrors.lean:61:18-61:19: error: unexpected token '['; expected command

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