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artie2000 committed Jan 18, 2025
1 parent bdeef27 commit 9f07f51
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Showing 2 changed files with 143 additions and 75 deletions.
210 changes: 135 additions & 75 deletions Mathlib/Data/SetLike/Closure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ class IsConcreteSInf (A B : Type*) [SetLike A B] [InfSet A] where

namespace IsConcreteSInf

variable {A B : Type*} [SetLike A B] [InfSet A] [IsConcreteSInf A B]
variable {A B : Type*} [SetLike A B]

section InfSet

variable [InfSet A] [IsConcreteSInf A B]

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem coe_sInf {s : Set A} : ((sInf s : A) : Set B) = ⋂ a ∈ s, a := IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf'
Expand All @@ -47,89 +51,59 @@ theorem coe_iInf {ι : Sort*} {a : ι → A} : (↑(⨅ i, a i) : Set B) = ⋂ i
theorem mem_iInf {ι : Sort*} {a : ι → A} {x : B} : (x ∈ ⨅ i, a i) ↔ ∀ i, x ∈ a i := by
rw [← SetLike.mem_coe]; simp

end IsConcreteSInf

class HasClosure (A B : Type*) where
closure : Set B → A

class IsConcreteClosure (A B : Type*) [SetLike A B] [Preorder A] [HasClosure A B] where
gi : GaloisInsertion (α := Set B) (β := A) HasClosure.closure SetLike.coe

namespace SetLike
end InfSet

variable (A B : Type*) [SetLike A B]
section CompleteLattice

@[reducible] def toHasClosure [InfSet A] [LE A] : HasClosure A B where
closure s := sInf {a : A | s ≤ a}
variable [CompleteLattice A] [IsConcreteSInf A B]

instance [CompleteLattice A] [IsConcreteSInf A B] : IsConcreteLE A B where
instance : IsConcreteLE A B where
coe_subset_coe' {a a'} := by
suffices (a : Set B) ⊆ a' ↔ (sInf {a, a'}) = (a : Set B) by simpa
rw [IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf]; simp

Construct a complete lattice on `A` on from an injection `A → Set B` that respects the ordering
and arbitrary infima.
@[reducible] def toCompleteLattice
[PartialOrder A] [IsConcreteLE A B] [InfSet A] [IsConcreteSInf A B] : CompleteLattice A :=
completeLatticeOfInf A fun s => IsGLB.of_image IsConcreteLE.coe_subset_coe
(by simpa [IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf] using isGLB_biInf)

Construct a complete lattice on a type `A` from an injection `A → Set B`
that reflects arbitrary intersections.
@[reducible] noncomputable def toCompleteLattice_abstract
(exists_coe_eq_iInter : ∀ {s : Set A}, ∃ a : A, (a : Set B) = ⋂ a' ∈ s, a') :
CompleteLattice A :=
let _ : InfSet A := ⟨fun _ => Classical.choose exists_coe_eq_iInter⟩
@toCompleteLattice _ _ _ (toPartialOrder _ _) _ _
fun {_} => by simpa using Classical.choose_spec exists_coe_eq_iInter⟩

variable {L α : Type*} [SetLike L α] [CompleteLattice L] [IsConcreteSInf L α]

attribute [local instance] SetLike.toHasClosure
rw [coe_sInf]; simp

theorem coe_top : ((⊤ : L) : Set α) = Set.univ := by
suffices sInf (∅ : Set L) = (Set.univ : Set α) by simpa only [sInf_empty]
rw [IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf]; simp
theorem coe_top : ((⊤ : A) : Set B) = Set.univ := by
suffices sInf (∅ : Set A) = (Set.univ : Set B) by simpa
rw [coe_sInf]; simp

theorem mem_top (x : α) : x ∈ (⊤ : L) := by
theorem mem_top (x : B) : x ∈ (⊤ : A) := by
rw [← SetLike.mem_coe]; simp

theorem coe_inf (l m : L) : ((lm : L) : Set α) = (l : Set α) ∩ m := by
suffices sInf {l, m} = (l : Set α) ∩ m by simpa
rw [IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf]; simp
theorem coe_inf (a a' : A) : ((aa' : A) : Set B) = (a : Set B) ∩ a' := by
suffices sInf {a, a'} = (a : Set B) ∩ a' by simpa
rw [coe_sInf]; simp

theorem mem_inf {l m : L} {x : α} : x ∈ lm ↔ x ∈ l ∧ x ∈ m := by
theorem mem_inf {a a' : A} {x : B} : x ∈ aa' ↔ x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ a' := by
rw [← SetLike.mem_coe]; simp

theorem coe_bot : ((⊥ : L) : Set α) = ⋂ l : L, l := by
suffices ((sInf (Set.univ) : L) : Set α) = ⋂ l : L, l by simpa
rw [IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf]; simp
theorem coe_bot : ((⊥ : A) : Set B) = ⋂ a : A, a := by
suffices ((sInf (Set.univ) : A) : Set B) = ⋂ a : A, a by simpa
rw [coe_sInf]; simp

theorem mem_bot {x : α} : x ∈ (⊥ : L) ↔ ∀ l : L, x ∈ l := by
theorem mem_bot {x : B} : x ∈ (⊥ : A) ↔ ∀ a : A, x ∈ a := by
rw [← SetLike.mem_coe, coe_bot]; simp

theorem coe_closure {s : Set α} :
(HasClosure.closure (A := L) s : Set α) = ⋂ l ∈ {m : L | s ⊆ m}, l := IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf
end CompleteLattice

theorem mem_closure {s : Set α} {x : α} :
x ∈ HasClosure.closure (A := L) s ↔ ∀ l : L, s ⊆ l → x ∈ l := IsConcreteSInf.mem_sInf
end IsConcreteSInf

variable (L) in
open IsConcreteLE IsConcreteSInf in
instance : IsConcreteClosure L α where
gi := GaloisConnection.toGaloisInsertion
(fun _ _ =>
fun h => Set.Subset.trans (fun _ hx => mem_closure.2 fun _ hs => hs hx) (mem_of_le_of_mem h),
(sInf_le ·)⟩)
fun _ => le_sInf (fun _ => coe_subset_coe.1)
class HasClosure (A B : Type*) where
closure : Set B → A

class IsConcreteClosure (A B : Type*) [SetLike A B] [Preorder A] [HasClosure A B] where
gi : GaloisInsertion (α := Set B) (β := A) HasClosure.closure SetLike.coe

namespace IsConcreteClosure

variable {L α : Type*} [SetLike L α] [HasClosure L α]

section Preorder

variable [Preorder L] [IsConcreteClosure L α]

@[simp, aesop safe 20 apply (rule_sets := [SetLike])]
theorem subset_closure {s : Set α} :
Expand All @@ -145,43 +119,129 @@ theorem not_mem_of_not_mem_closure {s : Set α} {x : α} (hx : x ∉ HasClosure.
@[simp] theorem closure_le {s : Set α} {l : L} :
HasClosure.closure s ≤ l ↔ s ⊆ l :=

theorem coe_monotone :
Monotone (SetLike.coe : L → Set α) :=

@[gcongr] theorem coe_mono ⦃l m : L⦄ (h : l ≤ m) : (l : Set α) ⊆ m := coe_monotone h

theorem closure_monotone :
Monotone (HasClosure.closure : Set α → L) :=

@[gcongr] theorem closure_mono ⦃s t : Set α⦄ (h : s ⊆ t) :
HasClosure.closure (A := L) s ≤ HasClosure.closure t := closure_monotone h

end Preorder

section PartialOrder

variable [PartialOrder L] [IsConcreteClosure L α]

instance : IsConcreteLE L α where
coe_subset_coe' :=

theorem closure_eq_of_le {s : Set α} {l : L} (h₁ : s ⊆ l) (h₂ : l ≤ HasClosure.closure s) :
HasClosure.closure s = l := le_antisymm (closure_le.2 h₁) h₂

@[simp] theorem closure_eq (l : L) :
HasClosure.closure (l : Set α) = l := l

@[simp] theorem closure_empty :
@[simp] theorem closure_empty [OrderBot L] :
HasClosure.closure (∅ : Set α) = (⊥ : L) :=

@[simp] theorem closure_univ :
@[simp] theorem closure_univ [OrderTop L] :
HasClosure.closure (Set.univ : Set α) = (⊤ : L) :=

theorem closure_union (s t : Set α) :
HasClosure.closure (A := L) (s ∪ t) = HasClosure.closure s ⊔ HasClosure.closure t :=

theorem closure_iUnion {ι} (s : ι → Set α) :
HasClosure.closure (A := L) (⋃ i, s i) = ⨆ i, HasClosure.closure (s i) :=

theorem closure_singleton_le_iff_mem (x : α) (l : L) :
HasClosure.closure {x} ≤ l ↔ x ∈ l := by
rw [closure_le, Set.singleton_subset_iff, SetLike.mem_coe]

theorem mem_iSup {ι : Sort*} (l : ι → L) {x : α} :
(x ∈ ⨆ i, l i) ↔ ∀ m, (∀ i, l i ≤ m) → x ∈ m := by
theorem isGLB_closure {s : Set α} : IsGLB {l : L | s ⊆ l} (HasClosure.closure s) :=

end PartialOrder

theorem closure_union [SemilatticeSup L] [IsConcreteClosure L α] (s t : Set α) :
HasClosure.closure (A := L) (s ∪ t) = HasClosure.closure s ⊔ HasClosure.closure t :=

theorem closure_eq_sInf [CompleteSemilatticeInf L] [IsConcreteClosure L α] {s : Set α} :
HasClosure.closure s = sInf {a : L | s ⊆ a} := by
suffices sInf {a : L | s ⊆ a} = HasClosure.closure s from Eq.symm this
rw [← isGLB_iff_sInf_eq]
exact isGLB_closure

theorem mem_iSup [CompleteSemilatticeSup L] [IsConcreteClosure L α] {ι : Sort*} (l : ι → L)
{x : α} : (x ∈ ⨆ i, l i) ↔ ∀ m, (∀ i, l i ≤ m) → x ∈ m := by
rw [← closure_singleton_le_iff_mem, le_iSup_iff]
simp only [closure_singleton_le_iff_mem]

section CompleteLattice

variable [CompleteLattice L] [IsConcreteClosure L α]

instance : IsConcreteSInf L α where
coe_sInf' {S} := by
suffices ∀ s, s ⊆ SetLike.coe (sInf S) ↔ s ⊆ sInf (SetLike.coe '' S) from
Set.ext (fun x => by simpa using this {x})
simp [← closure_le] /- no loop because simp acts on subterms first -/

theorem coe_closure {s : Set α} :
(HasClosure.closure (A := L) s : Set α) = ⋂ l ∈ {m : L | s ⊆ m}, l := by
rw [closure_eq_sInf]; exact IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf

theorem mem_closure {s : Set α} {x : α} :
x ∈ HasClosure.closure (A := L) s ↔ ∀ l : L, s ⊆ l → x ∈ l := by
rw [closure_eq_sInf]; exact IsConcreteSInf.mem_sInf

theorem closure_iUnion {ι} (s : ι → Set α) :
HasClosure.closure (A := L) (⋃ i, s i) = ⨆ i, HasClosure.closure (s i) :=

theorem iSup_eq_closure {ι : Sort*} (l : ι → L) :
⨆ i, l i = HasClosure.closure (⋃ i, (l i : Set α)) := by
simp_rw [closure_iUnion, closure_eq]

end CompleteLattice

end IsConcreteClosure

namespace SetLike

variable (A B : Type*) [SetLike A B]

Construct a complete lattice on `A` on from an injection `A → Set B` that respects the ordering
and arbitrary infima.
@[reducible] def toCompleteLattice
[PartialOrder A] [IsConcreteLE A B] [InfSet A] [IsConcreteSInf A B] : CompleteLattice A :=
completeLatticeOfInf A fun s => IsGLB.of_image IsConcreteLE.coe_subset_coe
(by simpa [IsConcreteSInf.coe_sInf] using isGLB_biInf)

Construct a complete lattice on a type `A` from an injection `A → Set B`
that reflects arbitrary intersections.
@[reducible] noncomputable def toCompleteLattice_abstract
(exists_coe_eq_iInter : ∀ {s : Set A}, ∃ a : A, (a : Set B) = ⋂ a' ∈ s, a') :
CompleteLattice A :=
let _ : InfSet A := ⟨fun _ => Classical.choose exists_coe_eq_iInter⟩
@toCompleteLattice _ _ _ (toPartialOrder _ _) _ _
fun {_} => by simpa using Classical.choose_spec exists_coe_eq_iInter⟩

@[reducible] def toHasClosure [InfSet A] [LE A] : HasClosure A B where
closure s := sInf {a : A | s ≤ a}

attribute [local instance] SetLike.toHasClosure

open IsConcreteLE IsConcreteSInf in
instance [CompleteLattice A] [IsConcreteSInf A B] : IsConcreteClosure A B where
gi := GaloisConnection.toGaloisInsertion
(fun _ _ =>
fun h => Set.Subset.trans
(fun _ hx => mem_sInf.2 (fun _ hs => (hs : _ ∈ {a : A | _ ≤ (a : Set B)}) hx))
(mem_of_le_of_mem h),
(sInf_le ·)⟩)
fun _ => le_sInf (fun _ => coe_subset_coe.1)

end SetLike
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/GaloisConnection.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -470,6 +470,14 @@ theorem leftInverse_l_u [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (gi : GaloisInsertion l
LeftInverse l u :=

theorem le_of_u_le_u [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (gi : GaloisInsertion l u)
{a b : β} (h : u a ≤ u b) : a ≤ b := by
rw [← gi.gc.le_iff_le, gi.l_u_eq] at h
exact h

@[simp] theorem u_le_u_iff_le [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (gi : GaloisInsertion l u) {a b : β} :
u a ≤ u b ↔ a ≤ b := ⟨(gi.le_of_u_le_u ·), (gi.gc.monotone_u ·)⟩

theorem l_top [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] [OrderTop α] [OrderTop β]
(gi : GaloisInsertion l u) : l ⊤ = ⊤ :=
top_unique <| (gi.le_l_u _).trans <| gi.gc.monotone_l le_top
Expand Down

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