Stock track is an android application that upon completion will be used to give the users information about stocks that they may be interested in buying along with news that touch on the company for which these stocks are offered.
In order for you to be able to run the application you must fulfill the following requirements:
- Android phone/emulator must be at least at SDK level 22 in order to run the application.
- Have android studio installed.
- Butterknife is a required plugin for data binding.
If you wish to clone this application to make changes then you can click on this link /~ and fork the repository.
- There are no bugs within the application but if any are spotted please open an issue at /~ and select the
New Issue
and I will get on top of it as soon as possible.
- Android Studio 3.1.2
- ButterKnife Library
- Android Phone(For testing the actual application)
If you have any suggestions you can reach me privately at lawrenslava1[at]gmail[dot]com
This application is licensed under the MIT license which can be found here: License and as such please ensure that you read through it if you intend to use this application as a basis for creating your own application or service based on this application.