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lanczos-iterator committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent f75795a commit 1787a00
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Showing 3 changed files with 404 additions and 0 deletions.
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions test_programs/test_lanczos.c
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include "lanczos.h"

/* simple sample ch_matvec_c for testing */
void my_ch_matvec(int n, double complex *vec) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
vec[i] = vec[i] * i;

/* simple sample rs_matvec_c for testing */
void my_rs_matvec(int n, double *vec) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
vec[i] = vec[i] * i;

int main() {
int n, nevec, maxstep, report, seed;
int x, n1, matrix_type;
double *eval, *variance, resolution;
double *evec_rs = NULL;
double complex *evec_ch = NULL;
bool use_blas, wrap_zdotc;
bool nocheck = false;
int *range = (int *) malloc(2 * sizeof(int));

printf("Lanczos test program in C\n");
printf(" n = dimension of matrix\n");
printf(" nevec = number of eigenvalues requested\n");
printf(" maxstep is number of Lanczos steps allowed (0 for no limit)\n");
printf(" give report = r > 0 to see progress every r Lanczos steps\n"
" (plus summary of Lanczos process for each eigenvector)\n\n");
printf("give n, nevec, maxstep, report\n");
scanf("%i %i %i %i", &n, &nevec, &maxstep, &report);
seed = 12345678;

eval = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double));
variance = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double));

printf(" This program can use BLAS = Basic Linear Algebra Suprograms\n");
printf("enter 1 to use BLAS, 0 for no BLAS\n");
scanf("%i", &x);
switch (x) {
case 0:
case 1:
use_blas = (bool) x;
printf("invalid choice\n");
return -1;

printf("\nThe test matrix is diagonal with eigenvalues (0,1,2,3,....)\n");
printf("(The Lanczos algorithm is not aware that the matrix is diagonal\n\n");

printf("give 1 for real symmetric, 2 for complex Hermitian\n");
scanf("%i", &matrix_type);

switch (matrix_type) {
case 1:
evec_rs = (double *) malloc( n * nevec * sizeof(double));
/* examples of the two computational modes: */
/* compute the first n1 eigenvectors in all-in-one-go mode (*range = NULL) */
/* when *range = NULL, value of nocheck does not matter */
n1 = 1 + nevec/2;
seed = (17*seed)%7654321;
rs_lanczos_c(n, n1, eval, evec_rs, variance,
&resolution, &my_rs_matvec, maxstep, report, seed, NULL, 0);

/* compute the remaining eigenvectors in one-by-one mode (range[0]=range[1])*/
/* when (range[0],range[1]) is specified,the validity of the previously-found
* eigenvectors will by default (nocheck= false) be checked by computing their
* eigenvalue and variance and comparing with the values in eval and variance. */

nocheck = false; /* check that the previous eigenvector data is correct*/
for (int i = n1 + 1; i <= nevec; i++) {
seed = (17*seed)%7654321;
range[0] = i; range[1] = i; /* compute only eigenvalue i */
rs_lanczos_c(n, i, eval, evec_rs, variance,
&resolution, &my_rs_matvec, maxstep, report, seed, range, nocheck);
nocheck = true; /* no point in rechecking again after the restart*/
case 2:
if (use_blas) {
printf("enter 0 to use BLAS without a ZDOTC wrapper, 1 for wrapper\n");
scanf("%i", &x);
switch (x) {
case 0:
case 1:
wrap_zdotc = (bool) x;
printf("invalid choice\n");
return -1;
evec_ch = (double complex *) malloc( n * nevec * sizeof(double complex));
/* examples of the two computational modes: */
/* compute the first n1 eigenvectors in all-in-one-go mode (*range = NULL) */
/*when *range = NULL, value of nocheck does not matter */
n1 = 1 + nevec/2;
seed = (17*seed)%7654321;
ch_lanczos_c(n, n1, eval, evec_ch, variance,
&resolution, &my_ch_matvec, maxstep, report, seed, NULL, 0);

/* compute the remaining eigenvectors in one-by-one mode (range[0]=range[1])*/
/* when (range[0],range[1]) is specified,the validity of the previously-found
* eigenvectors will by default (nocheck= false) be checked by computing their
* eigenvalue and variance and comparing with the values in eval and variance. */

nocheck = false; /* check that the previous eigenvector data is correct*/
for (int i = n1 + 1; i <= nevec; i++) {
seed = (17*seed)%7654321;
range[0] = i; range[1] = i; /* compute only eigenvalue i */
ch_lanczos_c(n, i, eval, evec_ch, variance,
&resolution, &my_ch_matvec, maxstep, report, seed, range, nocheck);
nocheck = true; /* no point in rechecking again after the restart*/
printf("invalid choice\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < nevec; i++) {
printf("%10d %25.16f variance = %10.3e\n", i+1, eval[i], variance[i]);
printf(" resolution: %10.3e\n",resolution);
printf(" eigenvalue range: [%d:%d]\n", range[0], range[1]);
if (evec_rs) free(evec_rs);
if (evec_ch) free(evec_ch);

free (eval);
free (variance);
return 0;

183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions test_programs/test_lanczos.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
! simple sample ch_matvec for testing
subroutine my_ch_matvec(n, vec_in, vec_out, add)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer, intent (in) :: n
complex (dp), intent(in) :: vec_in(n)
complex (dp), intent(inout) :: vec_out(n)
logical, intent(in) :: add
integer :: i
if (add) then
forall (i = 1:n) vec_out(i) = vec_out(i) + vec_in(i) * i
forall (i = 1:n) vec_out(i) = vec_in(i) * i
end subroutine my_ch_matvec

! simple sample rs_matvec for testing
subroutine my_rs_matvec(n, vec_in, vec_out, add)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer, intent (in) :: n
real (dp), intent(in) :: vec_in(n)
real (dp), intent(inout) :: vec_out(n)
logical, intent(in) :: add
integer :: i
if (add) then
forall (i = 1:n) vec_out(i) = vec_out(i) + vec_in(i) * i
forall (i = 1:n) vec_out(i) = vec_in(i) * i
end subroutine my_rs_matvec

program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer:: n, nevec, maxstep, report, seed
real (dp) :: resolution
real (dp), allocatable :: eval(:), variance(:)
real (dp), allocatable :: evec_rs(:,:)
complex (dp), allocatable :: evec_ch(:,:)
integer :: i, use_blas, wrap_zdotc, matrix_type, n1
integer :: range(2) ! optional arguments to rs_lanczos, ch_lanzcos
logical :: nocheck ! optional arguments to rs_lanczos, ch_lanzcos
external my_rs_matvec, my_ch_matvec

! the interface is needed if there are (as here) some calls to (rs,ch)_lanczos that
! omit optional variables, and some that do not.
subroutine rs_lanczos(n, nevec, eval, evec, variance, resolution,&
matvec, maxstep, report, seed, range, nocheck)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: n, nevec, maxstep, report, seed
real (kind=dp), intent(out) :: eval(nevec), variance(nevec)
real (kind=dp), intent(out), target :: evec(n,nevec)
real (kind=dp), intent(out) :: resolution
integer, intent(inout), optional :: range(2)
logical, intent(in), optional :: nocheck
external matvec
end subroutine rs_lanczos
end interface

subroutine ch_lanczos(n, nevec, eval, evec, variance, resolution,&
matvec, maxstep, report, seed, range, nocheck)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: n, nevec, maxstep, report, seed
real (kind=dp), intent(out) :: eval(nevec), variance(nevec)
complex (kind=dp), intent(out), target :: evec(n,nevec)
real (kind=dp), intent(out) :: resolution
integer, intent(inout), optional :: range(2)
logical, intent(in), optional :: nocheck
external matvec
end subroutine ch_lanczos
end interface

print '("Lanczos test program in FORTRAN")'
print '(" n = dimension of matrix")'
print '(" nevec = number of eigenvalues requested")'
print '(" maxstep is number of Lanczos steps allowed")'
print '(" maxstep is number of Lanczos steps allowed (0 for no limit)")'
print '(" give report = r > 0 to see progress every r Lanczos steps")'
print '(" (plus summary of Lanczos process for each eigenvector),1x")'
print '("give n, nevec, maxstep, report")'
read *, n, nevec, maxstep, report

if (nevec > n) nevec = n
seed = 12345678

allocate (eval(nevec), variance(nevec))

print '(" This program can use BLAS = Basic Linear Algebra Suprograms")'
print '("enter 1 to use BLAS, 0 for no BLAS")'
read *, use_blas
select case (use_blas)
case (0, 1)
call set_use_blas(use_blas)
case default
print '("invalid choice")'
end select

print '(/"The test matrix is diagonal with eigenvalues (0,1,2,3,....)")'
print '("(The Lanczos algorithm is not aware that the matrix is diagonal)",/1x)'

print '("give 1 for real symmetric, 2 for complex Hermitian")'
read * ,matrix_type

select case (matrix_type)
case (1)
allocate (evec_rs(n, nevec))
! examples of the two computational modes:
! compute the first n1 eigenvectors in all-in-one-go mode (range and
! nocheck not present)
n1 = 1 + nevec/2
seed = modulo(17*seed,7654321)
call rs_lanczos(n, n1, eval, evec_rs, variance, &
resolution, my_rs_matvec, maxstep, report, seed)

! compute the remaining eigenvectors in one-by-one mode (range(1)=range(2))
! when (range(1),range(2)) is specified,the validity of the previously-found
! eigenvectors will by default (nocheck= .false.) be checked by computing their
! eigenvalue and variance and comparing with the values in eval and variance.

nocheck = .false. ! check that the previous eigenvector data is correct
do i = n1 + 1, nevec
range = i
seed = modulo(17*seed,7654321)
call rs_lanczos(n, i, eval, evec_rs, variance, &
resolution, my_rs_matvec, maxstep, report, seed, range, nocheck)
nocheck = .true. ! no point in re-checking

case (2)
if (use_blas == 1) then
print '("enter 0 to use BLAS without a ZDOTC wrapper, 1 for wrapper")'
read *, wrap_zdotc
select case (wrap_zdotc)
case (0, 1)
call set_wrap_zdotc(wrap_zdotc == 1)
case default
print '("invalid choice")'
end select
end if
allocate (evec_ch(n, nevec))
! examples of the two computational modes:
! compute the first n1 eigenvectors in all-in-one-go mode (range and
! nocheck not present)
n1 = 1 + nevec/2
seed = modulo(17*seed,7654321)
call ch_lanczos(n, n1, eval, evec_ch, variance, &
resolution, my_ch_matvec, maxstep, report, seed)

! compute the remaining eigenvectors in one-by-one mode (range(1)=range(2))
! when (range(1),range(2)) is specified,the validity of the previously-found
! eigenvectors will by default (nocheck= .false.) be checked by computing their
! eigenvalue and variance and comparing with the values in eval and variance.

nocheck = .false. ! check that the previous eigenvector data is correct
do i = n1 + 1, nevec
range = i
seed = modulo(17*seed,7654321)
call ch_lanczos(n, i, eval, evec_ch, variance, &
resolution, my_ch_matvec, maxstep, report, seed, range, nocheck)
nocheck = .true. ! no point in re-checking
case default
print '("invalid choice")'
end select

do i = 1,nevec
print '(i10, f25.16," variance =", es10.3)', i, eval(i), variance(i)
print '(" resolution: ",es10.3)', resolution
print '(" eigenvalue range: [",i0,":",i0,"]")', range
deallocate (eval, variance)
if (allocated(evec_rs)) deallocate(evec_rs)
if (allocated(evec_ch)) deallocate(evec_ch)
end program

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