Releases: lamhaison/helpful-commandlines
Releases · lamhaison/helpful-commandlines
Release 2023/10/29
What's Changed
[Add] - function lhs_docker_install_aws_linux_2_instruction
[Remove] - function lhs_help_hotkey_sublime_search_files_instruction
[Improvement] - (Change to use the default ~/.zsh_history for history file) for using with zsh autocomplete
[Add] - function for converting epoch time to human reable format time
[Chore] - to fix typo
[Improvement] - change the bindkey of search history by peco and change to use Option + R (Ctrl + R) is reserved for sh-history-substring-search
[Add] - note for how to build image optimized
[Add] - add note for upgrading docker in ubuntu and installing telnet in docker alpine
[Refactor] - function name
[Improvement] - add path of lhs tools when search dir path (for both git repo and lhs tools)
[Add] - comment for do later (fixing the bug of function lhs_cmd_time_convert_echo_to_human_readable_format)
[Improvement] - optimize source sh files
[Fix] - can not search aws history commandline with aws_ec2_connect or check cw logs
[Improvement] - optimize when finding file
[Improvement] - add path of lhs tools when search dir path (for both git repo and lhs tools) [Add] - function for getting epoch time in milisecon time for cw logs
[Improvement] - ignore search tmp folders
[Fix] disable cached for lhs cli results
[Add] function lhs_cmd_date_get_month for only get month of that time
[Improvement] - add cached for lhs_cmd_search function more longer from setting
[Add] - add function lhs_help_refesh for getting the menu function up-to-date
[Add] - funtion for enable peco input cached
[Add] - lhs_cmd_date_get_year function
[Improvement] - max size of history increased more
[Add] - disable cache all (easy to use)
[Improvement] - check before binding key and set history option
[Fix] - fixing bug when installing by home-brew
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
Release 2023/03/27
[Add] - function for suggestion when commit code
Release 2023/03/23
Release notes
- [update] - to remove duplicate when get history
- [add] - add option for history
- [add] - add function for run mongodb client by docker on local
- [update] - add instruction for installing clipy on macos
- [update] - add github cli commandline
- [update] - to remove duplicate when get history
- [add] - add option for history
- [add] - add function for run mongodb client by docker on local
- [update] - add instruction for installing clipy on macos
- [update] - add github cli commandline
- [update] - add github cli commandline
- [update] - add documents for github cli
- [update] - to add function lamhaison_password_generate and lamhason_github_repo_list_url
- [update] - add function to clone all github source by ssh git
- [add] - add script for only git commandlines
- [Update] - add more detail for git commit format instruction
- [Refactor] - to change name from lamhaison_git_list_commit to lamhaison_git_list_commits
- [fix] - Fix missing info when setup projects
- [update] - change from _ to - when generatig the tmp file name
- [add] - add peco functions to menu search
- [Refactor] - Load lamhaison_function_list in main to reduce time get search menu
- [Add] - add function lamhaison_git_list_new_files and add function to list notice when comment code
- [Refactor] - refactor name of function of lamhaison_git
- [Refactor] - to refactor the name of function to reduce personal information
- [Add] - add function lhs_jenkins_load_helpful_commandlines for linux slave jenkins
- [Add] - add function lhs_jenkins_load_helpful_commandlines for linux slave jenkins
- [Add] - add function for clear input cached after delete pod
- [Update] - to change option cache search menu during 1 minute
- [Refactor] - to refactor function names]
- [Add] - add function for tcptrace
- [Refactor] - to hide private functions when creating function name search menu
- [update] - add function to get the ip address
- [update] - to remove load module docker
- [update] - optimize search function menu
- [update] - to add function to list tag of a repo
- [update] - to add function to list tag of a repo
- [update] - to add mysqldump and get date with format
- [add] - add gitlab commandline
- [update] - add cache input with 60 minutes expired for get project
Admin (26): - [update] - to remove duplicate when get history
- [add] - add option for history
- [add] - add function for run mongodb client by docker on local
- [update] - add instruction for installing clipy on macos
- [update] - add github cli commandline
- [update] - add github cli commandline
- [update] - add documents for github cli
- [update] - to add function lamhaison_password_generate and lamhason_github_repo_list_url
- [update] - add function to clone all github source by ssh git
- [add] - add script for only git commandlines
- [Update] - add more detail for git commit format instruction
- [Refactor] - to change name from lamhaison_git_list_commit to lamhaison_git_list_commits
- [fix] - Fix missing info when setup projects
- [update] - change from _ to - when generatig the tmp file name
- [add] - add peco functions to menu search
- [Refactor] - Load lamhaison_function_list in main to reduce time get search menu
- [Add] - add function lamhaison_git_list_new_files and add function to list notice when comment code
- [Refactor] - refactor name of function of lamhaison_git
- [Refactor] - to refactor the name of function to reduce personal information
- [Add] - add function lhs_jenkins_load_helpful_commandlines for linux slave jenkins
- [Add] - add function lhs_jenkins_load_helpful_commandlines for linux slave jenkins
- [Add] - add function for clear input cached after delete pod
- [Update] - to change option cache search menu during 1 minute
- [Refactor] - to refactor function names]
- [Add] - add function for tcptrace
- [Refactor] - to hide private functions when creating function name search menu
- [update] - add function to get the ip address
- [update] - to remove load module docker
- [update] - optimize search function menu
- [update] - to add function to list tag of a repo
- [update] - to add function to list tag of a repo
- [update] - to add mysqldump and get date with format
- [add] - add gitlab commandline
- [update] - add cache input with 60 minutes expired for get project
- [update] - add function lamhaison_help(all functions) and lamhaison_help_helpful for only helpful-commandlines functions
- [Refactor] - to refactor the name of function to reduce personal information
- [Update] - Add jq dependencies instruction and fix instruction to use http endpoint to clone instead of git (permission deny error)
- [Add] - add function to replace aws credentials for laravel setting files
- [Aadd] - add the function to get http response without content
- [Update] - add commit debug instruction and add function lhs_git_list_branches and fix bug lamhaison and lhs
- [Add] - add function to create release version file - lhs_jenkins_create_release_version_file
- [Update] - to add modify overwrite laravel env to *_tmp file and update function lhs_git_list_branches
- [Update] - to change delimiter of sed for function lhs_ci_laravel_replace_aws_credentials_in_env_file
- [Update] - change to use helpful commandlines
- [Update] - add function lhs_ci_laravel_delete_aws_credentials_in_env_file
- [Add] - add support k8s commandlines
- [Add] - add logging for comamnd and add k8s commandline
- [Refactor] - refactor name of function
- [Refactor] - add local when define variables for lhs_ci_laravel_* function
- [Add] - add functiont access the pods
- [Refactor] - refactor name of function
- [Refactor] - refactor name of variabes
- [Refactor] - refactor name of variabes
- [Refactor] - refactor strucutre
- [Refactor] - refactor strucutre
- [Refactor] - to add cache when create help menu
- [Refactor] - to refactor functions
- [Fix] - to fix typo lhs_uitl_format_commandline_one_line
- [Update] - add wide option for lhs_k8s_get_nodes funtion
- [Refactor] - add option cache function menu by variable that is defined in
- [Update] - to add more git functions
- [Fix] - add option cache function menu by variable that is defined in
- [Remove] - add k8s and git to beta (private repo) before release
- [Fix] - to fix the bug to auto create tmp file by switch to /tmp folder before do it
- [Refactor] - to refactor function name
- [Add] - to add function for how to name a function(get, list, add, rm)
- [Refactor] - to refactor function name
- [Fix] - to fix for repo if the name include git such as git-xxxx
- [Refactor] - to allow to add args for load source instead of getting from dirname directory and add more option when load
- [Update] - to add option for print commandline and you can eval it
- [Add] - to add function lhs_gitlab_list_ssh_urls
- [Remove] - to move gitlab commamđline to R&D and public later
- [Refactor] - to use :- for defautl setting instead of :=
- [optimize] - update remove duplicate when show history menu
- [Add] - to add function lhs_docker_build_git_secret_image for scaning secret before pushing code to public repo
- [Add] - functions for edit sources by peco and tree